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Explanation: There will be 36 possible outcomes when you roll two dice.

Let us suppose the first number is the outcome of 1 dice and the second number is the outcome of the second dice. Then we have 36 possible outcomes like : (1,1) , (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (1,5), (1,6) and so on until (6,6). Note that 6 is the highest possible outcome on any dice.

When you add the outcomes of both dice you are supposed to get two. In such a case only one outcome is possible of all the 36 outcomes and that is (1,1).

Now, by definition, Probability is (No. of favorable outcomes/Total number of outcomes) = 1/36 in this case.

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Q: What is the probably of rolling two dice and getting the sum of 2?
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