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Q: What is the product of m and n - 2?
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The Cartesian product of two sets, A and B, where A has m distinct elements and B has n, is the set of m*n ordered pairs. The magnitude is, therefore m*n.

What are your two numbers if their sum is -5 and their product is 4?

Let the number be 'm' & 'n' Hence Sum = m + n = -5 Product = mn = 4 Algebraically rearrange the product to m = 4/n Substitute into the Sum (4/n) + n = -5 Multiply through by 'n' Hence 4 + n^2 = -5n n^2 + 5n + 4 = 0 It is not in Quadrtatic form . to solve. Hence (n - 1)(n - 4) = 0 n = -1 & n = -4 Are the two numbers.

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If the product is 80 and the sum us 21 what are the numbers?

Let the number be 'm' & 'n' Hence Product ; mn = 80 Sum ; m + n = 21 m = 21 - n Substitute (21 - n) n = 80 21n - n^2 = 80 n^2 - 21 n + 80 = 0 It is now in quadratic form to factor. ( n - 16)(n - 5) = 0 Hence the numbers are 5 & 16

Why is the product of two consecutive numbers is always odd?

When multiplied together, an odd number and an even number will always produce an odd number. Two consecutive numbers consist of one odd number and one even number, so their product is always an odd number. N-n-n-no! Any number multiplied by an even number yields an even product. Ever;y even number can be expressed as 2*M for some M. If we multiply 2*M by Y, the product is 2*M*Y = 2*(M*Y) which is even. So the right answer is: They don't! The product of two consecutive numbers is always even. Regards, Bill Drissel

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