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x = 4.74 or -2.74

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Q: What is the quadric equation for x2-2x-13 equals 0?
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Related questions

Can a quadric equation have more than one solution?

Yes, it often does. If you use the discrimnant, and the answer is <0, there is no answer, if it equals 0, there is one answer, and if it is >0 there are 2 answers

When is an equation quadratic?

When the equation is in one the following formats: ax2+ bx+c = 0 a(x+b)2+c = 0 (x+a)(x+b) = 0 than it is a quadric. It is also quadratic when x2 and only x2 is in it. example: x2 + 1= 0 and x2=0 are quadratic equations. However ax3+bx2+ cx+d =0 is not a quadratic, this is a cubic because of the x3 term, However you can use the quadric equation to find one of the two answers for it.

Why does y equals 0 when solving a quadratic equation?

Because when your solving a quadratic equation your looking for x-intercepts which is where why equals 0 and x equals what ever the answer is.

What is the quadric equation for x2 2x 13 equals 0?

Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "equals" etc. And using ^ to indicate powers (eg x-squared = x^2). In any case, the quadratic equation IS x2 ± 2x ± 13 = 0 (depending on what the signs in the question are).

Is the equation y equals 0 linear?

y = 0" the answer is YES.

What is the solution to the equation 0 equals r?

r=0 is the solution...

What part of graph would you shade on an equation if the answer is 0 equals 0?

The equation 0 equals 0 is an identity and contributes absolutely nothing to the part of the graph that you should shade or not. The tautological statement can be ignored.

What kind of equation is ax plus b equals 0 in?

A linear equation.

Is y equals 5 a linear equation?

Yes, the equation has a slope of 0.

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What is 15N equals 0?

It's an equation in 'N' ... about the simplest one you could write.The solution of that equation is: N=0 .