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Q: What is the range of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 in a set of data?
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What is the mean medain mode and range to this data set 1 5 9 1 2 4 8 2?

The mean, median, mode and range to this data set are:Mean = 4Median = 3Mode = 1, 2Range = 8

The range of a set of data is 48 If the lowest value in the data set is 2 what is the highest value?


What are the two data sets of 5 values which have the same range and interquartile range but the first set is symmetrical and the other set is skewed left?

Here is one pair: {1, 2, 3, 6, 7} and {1, 2, 5, 6, 7} The fact that the range and interquartile range are the same fixes the relative positions four points in each set - all but the median.

What is a bimodal data set?

A bi-modal data set is a data set that has two modes. In the data set 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5 the mode is 2 AND 4. So it is a bi-modal data set. Hope that helps.

Tell when a set of data can have no mode?

A set of data has no mode when there is no number that occurs more frequently than another. The data set: 1, 2, 5, 5, 6 has a mode of 5. The data set: 1, 2, 3 has no mode.

Can a data set have the same range and median?

Yes, but the two are measures of very different things. The median is a measure of central tendency whereas the range is a measure of spread. Nevertheless, the set 1, 2, 3, 4, 4 has a range of 3 and a median of 3.

Can the median of the data set be the same as Q1 and Q3?

Yes. An example: the data set {1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 5} has median = Q1 = Q3 = 2.

What do you do when you are finding a range of a number?

When finding the range of a set of data, you take the greatest number and subtract the lowest number from it. That's your range! EX: 2,4,5,8,9,13 13-2= 11 11 is your range. Note: The range doesn't have to be a number in the data.

WhAT number is an outlier 1 1 5 4 5 2 3?

If the set of numbers is sorted: 1 1 2 3 4 5 5, then you can see that 1 and 5 both lie at the outer limits of the range of data.

What does the word range mean in math?

"Range" usually refers to the distance between the greatest and least element in the data set. For example, the range for [1, 2, ..., 10] is 9 (10 - 1 = 9).

How do you convert ordered data to nominal data?

I think you mean ordinal data. Similar to the golf tournament, you need to determine where to "cut" (from the ordinal data) so as to divide the data into different categories (to the nominal data). For example, if the ordinal data range from 1 to 6 (where 1 = the best) and the cut is 3, then you convert all the numbers from 1 to 3 to "1" (which represents "good") and the all numbers from 4 to 6 to "2" (which represents "bad"). In other words, 1, 2, and 3 from the original ordinal data set are converted to "1" (ordinal data); whereas 4, 5, and 6 from the original date set now become "2" (ordinal data). Eddie T.C. Lam

How do you find the interquartile range of a data?

The Inter-quartile range is the range of the middle half of the data. It is the difference between the upper and lower quartile.Example: 35,80,100 110,120,120,170,180.The Inter-quartile range would be 145-90 or 55To find the interquartile range, you:1) Arrange the data in numerical order.2) Then find the median of the data sets.3) Find the median of the top half and bottom half. (of the set of numbers)4) The groups you now have are "quartiles"5) Find the interquartile range. (subtract the smaller range from the range)