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A discrete probability distribution is defined over a set value (such as a value of 1 or 2 or 3, etc). A continuous probability distribution is defined over an infinite number of points (such as all values between 1 and 3, inclusive).

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Q: How does a discrete probability distribution differ from a continuous probability distribution?
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How does probability differ from actuality?

Probability is the chance of some outcome while actuality is the realistic chance and actual outcome of an event.

How does the shape of the normal distribution differ from the shapes of the uniform and exponential distributions?

the normal distribution is a bell shape and expeonential is rectangular

How does the experimental result differ from the theoretical in terms of accuracy?

Provided that the correct model is used, the theoretical probability is correct. The experimental probability tends towards the theoretical value as the number of trials increases.Provided that the correct model is used, the theoretical probability is correct. The experimental probability tends towards the theoretical value as the number of trials increases.Provided that the correct model is used, the theoretical probability is correct. The experimental probability tends towards the theoretical value as the number of trials increases.Provided that the correct model is used, the theoretical probability is correct. The experimental probability tends towards the theoretical value as the number of trials increases.

IF two variables that have the same mean and standard deviation have the same distribution?

No, a distribution can have infinitely many moments: the first is the mean, the second variance. Then there are skewness (3), kurtosis (4), hyperskewness (5), hyperflatness (6) and so on.If mk represents the kth moment, thenmk = E[(X - m1)k] where E is the expected value.It is, therefore, perfectly possible for m1 and m2 to be the same but for the distribution to differ at the higher moments.

How does a graph with no trends differ from a graph with anomalous data points?

it differs becaus eit shows differ amount of data and it gives a differ piont of point of numbers

Related questions

How does the standard normal distribution differ from the t-distribution?

The normal distribution and the t-distribution are both symmetric bell-shaped continuous probability distribution functions. The t-distribution has heavier tails: the probability of observations further from the mean is greater than for the normal distribution. There are other differences in terms of when it is appropriate to use them. Finally, the standard normal distribution is a special case of a normal distribution such that the mean is 0 and the standard deviation is 1.

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Probability/ Statistics

How did Aristotle's idea of matter differ from that of scientists?

Aristotle believed matter was continuous and unchanging, while scientists view matter as composed of discrete particles and subject to change. Aristotle's concept of matter lacked the atomic nature described by scientists later on.

How does standard normal distribution differ from normal distribution?

The standard normal distribution has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

How does probability differ from actuality?

Probability is the chance of some outcome while actuality is the realistic chance and actual outcome of an event.

What is continuous variable?

A continuous variable is one that can assume different values between each point. Put as an example (e.g when looking at height) one can assume a height of 178, 178.1, 178.2. . . 178.9. Thus continuous variables can be used when looking at time or length for example. Continuous variables will differ from discrete variables which assume a fixed value for example number of times you take a shower, how many cars you have or how many kids in a family. Values can not be specified as decimals (e.g. you can not have 1.2 cars or 2.7 kids in a family).

What is a continuous variable?

A continuous variable is one that can assume different values between each point. Put as an example (e.g when looking at height) one can assume a height of 178, 178.1, 178.2. . . 178.9. Thus continuous variables can be used when looking at time or length for example. Continuous variables will differ from discrete variables which assume a fixed value for example number of times you take a shower, how many cars you have or how many kids in a family. Values can not be specified as decimals (e.g. you can not have 1.2 cars or 2.7 kids in a family).

How does the shape of the normal distribution differ from the shapes of the uniform and exponential distributions?

the normal distribution is a bell shape and expeonential is rectangular

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How does the range of phenotype differ between single-gene traits and polygenic traits?

Single gene traits are either one type or another,for example everyone is either (ABO System) group A,B AB or O with no intermediates - this shows discontinuous variation. In polgyenic traits, continuous variation is shown and there is a range with no discrete categories - height

What is the measure of how levels of financial resources differ among people in a society?

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How do the radial and planar nodes differ in terms of their spatial distribution within a system?

Radial nodes are spherical regions around the nucleus of an atom where the probability of finding an electron is zero. Planar nodes, on the other hand, are flat surfaces where the probability of finding an electron is also zero. Radial nodes are distributed spherically around the nucleus, while planar nodes are distributed in specific planes within the atom.