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None. The vertices, the scale factor as well as the centre of dilation can each be defined independently of the other two. Each different combination will result in a different image.

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Q: What is the relationship between the vertices of a shape the scale factor and the center of dilation?
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Every dilation has a?

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By using Pythagoras' theorem.

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What happens when the center of dilation is a vertex of the shape?

It remains fixed in position and all the other vertices move towards or away from it depending on whether the scale factor is less than 1 or greater than one.

Does dilation change the shape?

Geometric dilation (size change, typically expansion) does not change the shape of a figure, or its center location, only the size.

Will the center of dilation affect your answer in a math problem?

It depends on the nature of the problem. If, for example, the problem is to calculate 2+3, then the centre of dilation will have no effect whatsoever!

What is the point halfway between its two vertices?

The center of a hyperbola is the point halfway between its foci. A hyperbola is defined as a symmetrical open curve formed by the intersection of a circular cone with a plane at a smaller angle with its axis than the side of the cone.

Does a conic section have vertices?

No, a conic section does not have vertices. If it is a circle, it has a center; if it is a parabola or hyperbola, it has a focus; and if it is an ellipse, it has foci.