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Q: What is the relative maximum and minimum of the function f in parenthesis x equals x3 plus 6x2 minus 36x?
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What are extremes in math?

the first or the last term of a proportion or series. a relative maximum or relative minimum value of a function in a given region.

What is maximum or minimum of function?

Addition is the maximum or minimum function in math.

How do you find the minimum or maximum of a function?

By taking the derivative of the function. At the maximum or minimum of a function, the derivative is zero, or doesn't exist. And end-point of the domain where the function is defined may also be a maximum or minimum.

What is the maximum and minimum of quadratic function parent function?

The minimum is the vertex which in this case is 0,0 or the origin. There isn't a maximum.....

How do you determine the range of a function?

Find the maximum and minimum values that the function can take over all the values in the domain for the input. The range is the maximum minus the minimum.

Does every graph of a cubic function have relative maximum and minimum points?

No, since the equation could be y = x3 (or something similar) which will have a point of inflection at (0,0), meaning there is no relative maximum/minimum, as the graph doesn't double back on itself For those that are unfamiliar with a point of inflection <>

How can you use the zeros of a function to find the maximum or minimum value of the function?

You cannot. The function f(x) = x2 + 1 has no real zeros. But it does have a minimum.

How do you determine the relative minimum and relative maximum values of functions and the intervals on which functions are decreasing or increasing?

You take the derivative of the function. The derivative is another function that tells you the slope of the original function at any point. (If you don't know about derivatives already, you can learn the details on how to calculate in a calculus textbook. Or read the Wikipedia article for a brief introduction.) Once you have the derivative, you solve it for zero (derivative = 0). Any local maximum or minimum either has a derivative of zero, has no defined derivative, or is a border point (on the border of the interval you are considering). Now, as to the intervals where the function increase or decreases: Between any such maximum or minimum points, you take any random point and check whether the derivative is positive or negative. If it is positive, the function is increasing.

How do you find relative minimum and maximum according to a graph in math?

Any graph should be titled and have maximum and minimum values listed on it. The minimum values are usually on the bottom left and the maximum values are on the top right and bottom right of the graph.

How do you find minimum and maximum value of calculus?

In Calculus, to find the maximum and minimum value, you first take the derivative of the function then find the zeroes or the roots of it. Once you have the roots, you can just simply plug in the x value to the original function where y is the maximum or minimum value. To know if its a maximum or minimum value, simply do your number line to check. the x and y are now your max/min points/ coordinates.

What is an extreme value in a set?

the maximum or minimum value of a continuous function on a set.