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It depends on where the graph starts! It is often up to the user to decide on the domain when drawing a graph.

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Q: What is the significance of the starting point on a graph?
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How can one determine the initial value on a graph?

To determine the initial value on a graph, look for the point where the graph intersects the y-axis. This point represents the initial value or starting point of the graph.

How do you figure out the starting point of a distance vs time graph when given the velocity vs time graph and a function?

To find the starting point of a distance vs time graph from a velocity vs time graph and a function, you would integrate the velocity function to find the displacement function. The starting point of the distance vs time graph corresponds to the initial displacement obtained from the displaced function.

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The minimum weight path in a directed graph is the path with the smallest total weight among all possible paths from a starting point to an ending point in the graph.

What is the name of the starting point when plotting points?

The name of the starting point when plotting points on a graph is called the point of origin. It is located on the point (0,0) or where the x and y axes meet.

What is the term for 'to graph a point'?

To graph a point is to plot a point on a chart, graph, grid, etc.

What does the y intercept in a velocity vs time graph represent?

The velocity at the starting point (when t = 0).

What is invariant point?

a point on a graph where if the graph is transformed the point stays the same.

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The highest point on a graph is when the derivative of the graph equals 0 or the slope is constant.

Which physical quantity is calculated by the slope of distance time graph?

The radial velocity ie velocity towards or away from your starting point. It is NOT the ordinary speed or velocity because you can run in a circle around your starting point at top speed but the distance will not change so the slope of the distance time graph will be zero.

How can you tell if a point is on a graph?

There is a dot on the graph

What does to graph a point mean?

Mark the position of the point on the graph according to the coordinates of the point that are given (or calculated).

Which type of graph is data plotted by a point on the graph?

line graph