The value of b works out as about 1.236067977
To find a more accurate solution use the quadratic equation formula.
To find the solution to this equation, you need to rearrange the terms and solve for the variable.
4 = 2b + b^2 can be rewritten as b^2 + 2b - 4 = 0.
You can then solve this quadratic equation by factoring, completing the square, or using the quadratic formula.
(a - 2b)(2a - b)
2s-2b= a+b+c-2b simplified that would be a+c-b.
Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "equals". There is no visible symbol between " ... equals 4" and "2b plus 1".
There are no like terms here.
It is: 2b squared
(a - 2b)(2a - b)
2b=6squared, and 6x6=36
a + 2b = c a = c - 2b
If this was b exponent 2 (squared) or b^2 for the first b, then it is a quadratic expression. b^2 + 2b - 11 = 88 b^2 + 2b - 99 = 0 (b+11)(b-9) = 0 B = -11 or 9
(2b - 5)(b + 7)
2s-2b= a+b+c-2b simplified that would be a+c-b.
If: a = 2b+c Then: a-c = 2b And: b = (a-c)/2