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Q: What is the square number of 9 to the second power?
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What is nine to the second power equal?

81 A number raised to the second power is the number multipled by itself twice (9*9). A number raised to the third power, is the number multipled by itself 3 times (9*9*9) and so on.

What number equals nine squared?

To square a number means to multiply it by itself. Thus, 92 (read: nine squared, or nine to the second power) = 9 x 9=81

How do you write the number 81 as a power?

9 to the second power :))

Difference between negative number to the second power and negative number in parentheses to the second power?

-3^2 = 9 -(3^2) = -9

Why does it make sense to call 25 a square number?

A square number is a number that can be simplified to another number raised to the second power. For example 25, is 5^2, 16 is 4^2, 9 is 3^2 and so on.

9 to the power of 0.5?

Putting a number to the power 0.5 (one half) is an identical concept to finding the square root of a number. Therefore, in this instance, the square root of 9 is 3.

What is nine to the second power?

9 to the 2 power is 81 9x9=81 When you are calculating powers you are really multiplying the first number by itself the number of times the second number says. so for 9 to the 2 power you are multiplying 9 by itself 2 times

What is the standard form for 9 to the power of 2?

Nine to the second power is just nine times nine. Any number with a power is just a number that can multiply itself. 2 9 =9*9=81

What makes a number a square number?

I don't know if this is what you mean, but to make a normal number a square number, you have to times it by itself*****I suspect though, that the answer is as follows:A square number is one that is the product of some integer multiplied by itself. This second integer is the square root of the original number. Thus, 9 is a square number since 3*3 = 9

What is the difference between a square root and a square number?

3 is the square root of 9. 9 is a square number. 9 is the square root of 81. 81 is a square number.

What does raising a number to the second power mean?

multiply the number by itselfRaising a number to the second power means you are squaring the number, multiplying it by itself. 2 squared= 2*2=43 squared=3*3=9

What is the Difference between a square and a square root?

A "square" (2nd power) is the result of multiplying a number by itself. For example, the square of 3 is 9 because 3 x 3 = 9. A "square root" (-2 power) is in the opposite exponential direction: you are finding the number which multiplied by itself will equal your given number. Using the same example, the square root of 9 is 3, because 3 x 3 = 9. Except for numbers that are squares of integers, most square roots will be long non-repeating decimals. (The square root of 2 is 1.414213562...)