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Circle equation: 2x^2 +2y^2 -8x -5y -1 = 0

Divide all terms by 2: x^2 +y^2 -4x -2.5y -0.5 = 0

Completing the squares: (x-2)^2 +(y-1.25)^2 = 6.0625

Center of circle: (2, 1.25)

Point of contact: (1, -1)

Slope of radius: 9/4

Slope of tangent line: -4/9

Tangent equation: y--1 = -4/9(x-1) => 9y = -4x -5

Tangent line equation in its general form: 4x+9y+5 = 0

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Q: What is the tangent line equation of the circle 2x2 plus 2y2 -8x -5y -1 equals 0 at the point 1 -1 on its circumference?
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Which equation could be used to find the circumference of a ball with a radius of 5 inches?

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What is the ratio of circumference of a circle to it's diameter?

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Yes. Circumference (of a circle) is pi x the diameter of the circle.