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14.634 kilometers per hour.

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Q: What is the velocity of a bicycle if it travels 1 kilometer west in 4.1 minutes?
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What is the velocity of a bicycle in meters per second if it travels 1 kilometers west in 4.1 minutes?

To convert 1 kilometer to meters, multiply by 1000. So, 1 kilometer is 1000 meters. To convert 4.1 minutes to seconds, multiply by 60. So, 4.1 minutes is 246 seconds. The velocity of the bicycle would be 1000 meters / 246 seconds = 4.07 meters per second west.

What is the velocity of an airplane that travels 500 km in 2 hours and 17 minutes?

The velocity of an airplane that travels 500 km in 2 hours and 17 minutes is 218.97 km per hr.

A car moving east at 45 kilometer per hour turns and travels west at 30 kilometer per hour What are the magnitude and direction of the change of velocity?

The change of velocity is 75 km/hr west.

What is the deceleration of a bicycle that travels from a velocity of 12meters per seconds in 2s?

Calculation of deceleration the speeds at two points in time.

A plane travels 575 kilometer for 50 minutes how far it can travel for 1 hour?

If we divide 575 kilometers by 50 minutes we can find how fast the plane travels per minute.575/50 = 11.5We know the plane travels 575 in 50 minutes, but we need to know how far it travels in 60 minutes. Knowing that it travels 11.5 kilometers per minute, we can multiply that by 10 and add it to 575.11.5*10=115115 + 575 = 690 km

While a bicycle travels 4 miles car travels 30 miles how much would the bicycle travel if car travels 40 miles?

If the bicycle travels 4 miles for the car's 30 miles, then if you divide both numbers by 3 you'll see that the bicycle travels 1 and 1/3rd miles for each 10 miles that the car travels. So, if the car travels a further 10 miles (and has now gone 40 miles) the bicycle will travel a further 1 and 1/3rd miles and its total travelled would be 5 and 1/3rd miles.

A car has a mass of 20000kg and travels at 10000ms what is its velocity?

You mean, travels at 10000 m/s.....if so...Its velocity is 10000m/s

What is the average speed in kilometer per hour of a car that travels 240 kilometer in 4 hours?


If an object travels for 15 minutes at a constant velocity of 12 miles per hour west what is its acceleration?

The acceleration is zero since the object is moving at a constant velocity. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, and in this case, the velocity is not changing.

What measures speed and direction an object travels?

Velocity measures both speed and direction that an object travels. The magnitude of velocity represents the speed of the object, while the direction of velocity indicates the direction in which the object is moving.

What is velocity of a wave?

How quickly the wave travels

What is the average speed in kilometer per hours of a car that travels 240 kilometer in 4 hours?

60 KPH