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Q: What is type a polynomial with integer coefficients and a leading coefficient of 1 in the box below?
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What is a possible leading coefficient and degree for a polynomial starting in quadrant 3 and ending in quadrant 4?

Leading coefficient: Negative. Order: Any even integer.

What is the rational zero theorem?

If a polynomial function, written in descending order, has integer coefficients, then any rational zero must be of the form ± p/q, where p is a factor of the constant term and q is a factor of the leading coefficient.

What is the leading coefficient in a polynomial?

It is the number (coefficient) that belongs to the variable of the highest degree in a polynomial.

Which polynomial has rational coefficients a leading leading coefficient of 1 and the zeros at 2-3i and 4?

There cannot be such a polynomial. If a polynomial has rational coefficients, then any complex roots must come in conjugate pairs. In this case the conjugate for 2-3i is not a root. Consequently, either (a) the function is not a polynomial, or (b) it does not have rational coefficients, or (c) 2 - 3i is not a root (nor any other complex number), or (d) there are other roots that have not been mentioned. In the last case, the polynomial could have any number of additional (unlisted) roots and is therefore indeterminate.

Where p is a factor of the leading coefficient of the polynomial and q is a factor of the constant term.?

Anywhere. Provided it is not zero, and number p can be the leading coefficient of a polynomial. And any number q can be the constant term.

What is the number in front of the term with the highest degree in a polynomial?

It is the Coefficient. It only refers to the given term that it is front. e.g. 2x^2 - 3x + 1 The '2' in front of 'x^2' only refers to 'x^2'. The '-3' in front of 'x' is the coefficient of '-3' The '1' is a constant.

The rational roots of a polynomial function F(x) can be written in the form where p is a factor of the constant term of the polynomial and q is a factor of the leading coefficient.?


What are quadratic equations?

In mathematics, a quadratic equation is a polynomial equation of the second degree. The general form is : where a≠ 0. (For if a = 0, the equation becomes a linear equation.) The letters a, b, and c are called coefficients: the quadratic coefficient a is the coefficient of x2, the linear coefficient b is the coefficient of x, and c is the constant coefficient, also called the free term or constant term. Quadratic equations are called quadratic because quadratus is Latin for "square"; in the leading term the variable is squared. A quadratic equation with real or complex coefficients has two (not necessarily distinct) solutions, called roots, which may or may not be real, given by the quadratic formula: : where the symbol "±" indicates that both : and are solutions.

The leading coefficient of a cubic polynomial p is 2 and the coefficient of the linear term is 5 and if P 0 equals 7 and P 2 equals 21 what is P 3?

N i g g e r s

Write the polynomial in standard form and identify the leading coefficient.6 + 9t 4 – 5t + t 5?

t^5 +9t^4 -5t +6; 1

What is the leading coefficient of each fungtion?

what is the leading coefficient -3x+8

How do you find zeros when the leading coefficient is one?

The answer depends on the what the leading coefficient is of!