

What is z intercept?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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13y ago

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In three dimensional graphs the z intercept is where the graphed plane intercepts the z axis while both x and y equal 0.

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Q: What is z intercept?
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What is z-intercept?

A z-intercept is a point at which a line crosses the z-axis of a Cartesian grid.

What is a z-intercept?

A z-intercept is a point at which a line crosses the z-axis of a Cartesian grid.

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2x-3y-4z=-24 has 3 potential intercepts. The x, y and z interceps. To find the x intercept we set y=z=0 This gives 2x=-24 or x=-12 To find the z intercept we set x=y=0 This gives -4z=-24 or z=6 Lastly to find the y intercept, x=z=0 so -3y=-24 and y=8 The x intercept is (-12,0,0), the y intercept is (0,8,0) and the z intercept is (0,0,6)

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-4x + 6y - 5z = 60At the x-intercept, 'y' and 'z' are zero:-4x = 60 ===> x = -15At the y-intercept, 'x' and 'z' are zero:6y = 60 ===> y = 10At the z-intercept, 'x' and 'y' are zero:-5z = 60 ===> z = -12

What is the distance between x-intercept and the z-intercept in the equation2x plus 9y-3z equals 18?

2x + 9y - 3z = 18At the x-intercept, y' and 'z' are zero.2x = 18x = 9 . . . . . The intercept is (9, 0, 0)At the z-intercept, 'x' and 'y' are zero.-3z = 18z = -6 . . . . . The intercept is (0, 0, -6)The distance between the points is sqrt [ (9)2 + (0)2 + (-6)2 ] = sqrt(117) = 10.8167 (rounded)

What math words begin with the letter Z?

the only math words i know that start with the letter z is z intercept, z-axis and zero

What are some math words that start with the letter Z?

zero z-intercept zeta zero slope

What is a math word that starts with the letter z besides zero?

Zillion, Zipf's Law, Zoomeron Equation, z-intercept, z-axis

What is the distance between the z-intercept from the x intercept in the equation ax plus by plus cz plus d equals 0?

ax + by + cz + d = 0At the z-intercept, 'x' and 'y' are both + d = 0 --> z = -d/c --> The z-intercept is the point (0, 0, -d/c).At the x-intercept, 'y' and 'z' are + d = 0 --> x = -d/a --> The x-intercept is the point (-d/a, 0, 0).The distance between the points (0, 0, -d/c) and (-d/a, 0, 0) issqrt[ (-d/a)2 + (-d/c)2 ] = sqrt (d2/a2 + d2/c2) = d sqrt(1/a2 + 1/c2)

What is the distance between z-intercept from x-intercept in the equation ax plus by plus cz equals d?

-- At the z-intercept, x=0, y=0, cz=d, so z=d/c.-- At the x-intercept, y=0, z=0, ax=d, so x=d/a.The distance between the two points is sqrt[ (d/c)2 + (d/a)2 ] or d sqrt[ (1/c)2 + (1/a)2 ].

Find the intercepts of the plane 72x - 50y plus 52z plus 188 equals 0?

72x - 50y + 52z = -188-- At the x-intercept, 'y' and 'z' are zero.72x = -188x = -2.611...-- At the y-intercept, 'x' and 'z' are zero.-50y = -188y = 3.76-- At the z-intercept, 'x' and 'y' are zero.52z = -188z = -3.615 (rounded)