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Q: What kind of data does a scatter plot use?
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What type of graph is best to use to show the relationship between sets of data?

Gráfico de dispersão: é útil para mostrar a relação entre duas variáveis contínuas e identificar padrões e tendências. Gráfico de barras: é útil para comparar diferentes conjuntos de dados ou mostrar a distribuição de uma variável categórica em relação a outra variável. Gráfico de linhas: é adequado para mostrar tendências ao longo do tempo ou em uma sequência de eventos. Gráfico de pizza: é útil para mostrar a proporção de diferentes categorias em relação ao total.

Do you use three sets of data to make a scatter plot?


What type of graph would you use for comparing 2 similar kinds of data?

It depends on the kind of data you have, but a scatter plot or bar graph would be best.

When looking for a mathematical relationship between two variables use?

line graph or a scatter plot.

When should you use a scatter plot?

You should use a scatter plot when you want to show the relationship between an independent and a dependent variable in a manner that is quick and easy to view.

Is a scatter plot positvie?

Only ever use the scatter plot if the outcome is positive, otherwise use non sequential theory to bring about the required outcome. Say, the nonquotient is the same value. Then try the next scatter.

How do you make scatter-graphs using Excel 2007?

Use a scatter plot graph to represent the correlation between two different variables. Here are some steps to make a basic scatter plot graph.Get your data into an Excel spreadsheet (type, copy, link, etc.).Highlight the data you want to display on the graph.Select the Insert tab from the ribbon bar.From the Charts section, click on Scatter and select the Scatter with only Markers option.Move, format, and adjust the chart to meet your needs.

Write an equation for the scatter plot below. Then, use the equation to make your predictions?

Umm nobody can answer this question because we don't know what "the scatter plot below" is.

What is a scatter plot and what kind of relationship does it show?

a graph in which the values of two variables are plotted along two axes, the pattern of the resulting points revealing any correlation present. Scatter plots are similar to line graphs in that they use horizontal and vertical axes to plot data points. However, they have a very specific purpose. Scatter plots show how much one variable is affected by another. The relationship between two variables is called their correlation .

What is a good idea for a scatter plot?

I like to use age and height in a scatter plot using male and female separate then together. It shows two lines of regression.

What is the use of scatter graph?

A scatter diagram or scatter graph is used to plot two sets of data to see whether a connection or correlation can be established between them. It is a particularly useful form of graph to use when analysing social science data where you are trying to prove a hypothesis such as 'older people sustain more fractures' or 'the more hours homework a child does the better his/her SATs results will be'.

Does Scatter Analysis use Continuous Data?

It can do but does not have to.