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Q: What kind of equation is a 3 a 3?
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Is yx2 2x-3 a linear equation?

"y x 2 2x -3 is not any kind of equation because it does not have an equals sign (=).

What kind of polynomial is 3x2y3?

If you mean: 3x+2y = 3 then it is a straight line equation

Can you help me with this simultaneous equation 2x y4 y2x²-x 3?

No because it's not a simultaneous equation but some kind of algebraic expression

What kind of equation is 5x plus 15 - 7x?

No kind: it is an expression, not an equation.

Does an equation have to have a variable?

No.It depends what kind of equation you have to do.

What is an open equation?

it is an equation that is open to all man kind ..

What steps do you take to write out integer equations for 3 and 9?

You haven't really given enough information about the kind of mathematical problem that you want to solve. If you just want any equation that includes the numbers 3 and 9, then the answer is, 3 x 3 = 9. (Since this does include an equal sign, it qualifies as an equation, although it is not an algebraic equation.)

What is t equals s squared plus 3?

A quadratic equation (t=s2+3). This kind of line will result in a parabola like curve.

The 3 in x3?

The equation 3 by 3 is 9. This is a math equation.

Is 3x4x3 a linear equation?

No, it is simply an expression, not an equation of any kind.

How do you know when an equation has no solution?

when you're really good in that kind of equation, but cannot, no matter what u do, CANNOT figure it out! when you look it up and can't find the answer in the back of the book. It depends on what kind of problem it is.

What is (1-3) y-4x-1?

They are terms of some kind of an algebraic expression and without an equality sign it is not an equation.