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Q: What kind of graph shows how data change over time with no lines connecting the data points?
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What are lines connecting points of equal height called?

Contour lines.

What is the difference between a cummulative frequency graph and a cumulative frequency polygon?

A cumulative frequency polygon has straight lines connecting the points. A normal cumulative frequency diagram uses a smooth curve to join the points.

Why are the points of a bar graph not connected?

Because their is no lines on the graph to connect the point.

How do latitude and longitude lines help you find points on a map?

because when you put them together you get a graph and the points on the graph are your answer

What is a graph with lines connected to data points called?

either a scatter graph or a line graph xx :)

What are the lines connecting points of equal temperature on a weather map true?

Lines connecting points of equal temperature on a weather map are called isotherms. These lines help to visually represent temperature gradients across a geographic area. The spacing between isotherms can indicate the rate at which temperatures change from one location to another.

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A line graph is a graph that uses?

A graph is used for graphing lines and points. A graph consist of rows columns and units.

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What lines connect points of equal temperature?

On a Weather Map, the lines connecting points of equal temperature are called Isotherms.Similarly, the lines that connect points of equal barometric pressure are called Isobars.

What is the definition of a double line graph?

a graph that uses two lines connected by points to show value

Lines connecting all points at the same elevation on a contour map are called?

Contour lines.