Line them up so that the decimal points are in the same column.
Then check each set of digits from left to right:
If the digits are different, then the number with the smaller digit is smaller.
Otherwise look at the next digit.
Because decimals are a form you use regularly like with money, but with fractions, its not used all the time such as a decimal is used.
To compare decimals: look at the highest-order digit and compare. If it is the same, look at the next digit, and so forth. Thus, 23.5 is greater than 11.4 (because the tens digit is greater), 123.88 is greater than 25.82 (because the second number has no hundreds digit, so you can take it to be zero), 115.28 is greater than 113.99 (the first two digits are equal, so you compare the third digit). To compare fractions: use a calculator to convert to decimals, then compare. Alternately, you can convert to a common denominator, then compare the numerators.
Whenever the numbers that I need to work with are not integers.
Convert everything to a common denominator (/56), then compare. Alternately, you can use a calculator to divide 3 by 8, and to divide 2 by 7, then you can compare the resulting decimals.
Accountants use decimals by simply dividing the fractions and getting a decimal number. One does not need to be an accountant to use decimals.
Because decimals are a form you use regularly like with money, but with fractions, its not used all the time such as a decimal is used.
If you can use decimals, then the smallest number would be 0.8765321. But if you can't use decimals, then it would be 10235678.
The Romans did not use decimals as we know them today but they did use fractions to a limited extent.If they did use decimals then the answer would be X.LXXXVIII.
To compare decimals: look at the highest-order digit and compare. If it is the same, look at the next digit, and so forth. Thus, 23.5 is greater than 11.4 (because the tens digit is greater), 123.88 is greater than 25.82 (because the second number has no hundreds digit, so you can take it to be zero), 115.28 is greater than 113.99 (the first two digits are equal, so you compare the third digit). To compare fractions: use a calculator to convert to decimals, then compare. Alternately, you can convert to a common denominator, then compare the numerators.
i dont think one would
Computers need a method to store decimals. More to the point, they need a method to manage very large and very small numbers - numbers that we would normally show in scientific notation.
You can use decimals in money.
You can use the same symbols that you use to compare integers or decimals: equal, greater than, greater-than-or-equal, etc.
If you want to compare two HashSet objects, you have very few choices. The obvious choice is to use the .equals method built into the implementation. If that doesn't work for you, then you have to use the Iterator returned by the .iterator method, which is functionally the same as using the for-each loop.The Comparable Interface can be used to compare two hashsets.Use compareTo() method.
Whenever the numbers that I need to work with are not integers.
By the time you advance to the point of dividing decimals, you don't use remainders any more.
Convert everything to a common denominator (/56), then compare. Alternately, you can use a calculator to divide 3 by 8, and to divide 2 by 7, then you can compare the resulting decimals.