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Q: What number is 7 units ot the left of -1?
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What number is 7 units to the left of -1?


Which point is 5 units from (1 3) on a coordinate plane?

That depends on the direction of the point in reference to the original coordinate. If the new point is 5 units to the right of (1,3), then the point is (6,3). If the point is 5 units left of (1,3), then the point is (-4,3). And so on.

How do you get from point 4 6 to 1 2?

By going left 3 units and down 4 units.

What is the number of 1 gross?

1 gross = 144 units.

What does the place value of a digit tell you How does switching the positions of the digits in the number 52 affect that number's value?

In a number (integer) the last digit on the right is "how many units". Then next to the left is "how many tens". The next is "how many hundreds". Notice the progression 1 to 10 to 100. To the right of the decimal point, for numbers smaller than 1, in sequence you have 1/10, 1/100, 1/100 etc. 52 means 5 tens and 2 units. 25 means 2 tens and 5 units.

What is 2-5 on a number line?

Well, let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of a number line. If we start at 2 and move 5 units to the left, we end up at -3. Remember, on a number line, moving to the right means adding and moving to the left means subtracting. Just a happy little journey on the number line!

What is the equation of the convert larger to smaller units?

The answer will depend on the two units. It will entail multiplication by a number that is greater than 1 (or division by a number smaller than 1).

What is the units for wave number?

Wavenumber is inversely proportional to wavelength, so has units m^-1

How do you round 60.62177826 to nearest whole number( include units)?

It is 61 because 0.6 is greater than 0.5. Therefore you're left with 6 tens and 1 unit.

What numbers are 3 units away from -1 on a number line?


How do you convert height to inches?

Multiply it by a fraction that has a certain number of inches in the numerator and the same length as the numerator but in the units of the given height in the denominator. The original units cancel out, and you're left with inches. If the numerator and denominator of a fraction are equal, the fraction is equal to 1, and multiplying something by 1 does not change its value.

What OT books has three ks in it?

The OT book that has three 'k's in it is 1 Chronicles.