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Q: What statement best describes the excluded values of a rational expression?
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I am like a rational number Discuss about how well this statement describes you?

I am rational, but not a number. This statement is therefore half correct.

A rational expression minus another rational expression is?

Another rational expression.

A rational expression multiplied by another rational expression is a rational expression?


What fraction having rational expression in its numerator or denominator or both?

If you divide a rational expression by another rational expression, you will again get a rational expression.

Is a rational number is a rational expression?

Any number that can be expressed as a fraction is a rational number otherwise it is an irrational number.

What is the rational expression of 1 divided by 3z plus 5?

The expression written in the question is the rational expression.

What describes a fraction that has a variable or variable expression in its numerator its denominator or both?

There is no specific name. If the numerator and denominator are polynomials in the variable then the question describes an algebraic fraction. But there is no reason at all to assume that they are polynomials. There is no specific phrase that describes sin(x)/x, for example.

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I can see no rational expression below.

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The expression is not factorable with rational numbers.

Which statement best describes the paintings of Early Renaissance artist Perugino?

The paintings have a rational, ordered sense of space and no distracting objects.

What is subtraction of rational expressions?

another rational expression.

How do you determine the values for which a rational expression is undefined?

A rational expression is not defined whenever the denominator of the expression equals zero. These will be the roots or zeros of the denominator.