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Q: What statement is true about how objects appear to bend that are partially submerged in water?
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Why do objects appear to be bent when partially submerged under water?

When light passes from water to air, it changes speed and direction due to the difference in refractive index. This causes the light rays to bend, resulting in what is known as refraction. When we view objects submerged in water from above, the light reflecting off them undergoes refraction, making the objects appear bent at the surface of the water.

Does refraction tend to make objects submerged in water seem shallower or deeper than they really are?

Refraction tends to make objects submerged in water appear shallower than they really are. This is because light rays bend as they pass from water to air, causing objects to appear higher than their actual position.

Do objects weigh less in water or do they just appear to be weightless?

Objects weigh less in water than they do in air because of the buoyant force exerted by the water. This force counteracts the weight of the object, making it feel lighter or even weightless when submerged in water.

What force causes things to rise or float?

Buoyancy is the force that causes things to rise or float in a fluid, such as water or air. This force is exerted in the opposite direction to the force of gravity, making objects appear to be lighter when submerged in a fluid.

What shape is the Irish flag on the Union flag?

The Irish flag does not appear in the Union flag. What is on it is St. Patrick's Cross, which partially represents Northern Ireland.The Irish flag does not appear in the Union flag. What is on it is St. Patrick's Cross, which partially represents Northern Ireland.The Irish flag does not appear in the Union flag. What is on it is St. Patrick's Cross, which partially represents Northern Ireland.The Irish flag does not appear in the Union flag. What is on it is St. Patrick's Cross, which partially represents Northern Ireland.The Irish flag does not appear in the Union flag. What is on it is St. Patrick's Cross, which partially represents Northern Ireland.The Irish flag does not appear in the Union flag. What is on it is St. Patrick's Cross, which partially represents Northern Ireland.The Irish flag does not appear in the Union flag. What is on it is St. Patrick's Cross, which partially represents Northern Ireland.The Irish flag does not appear in the Union flag. What is on it is St. Patrick's Cross, which partially represents Northern Ireland.The Irish flag does not appear in the Union flag. What is on it is St. Patrick's Cross, which partially represents Northern Ireland.The Irish flag does not appear in the Union flag. What is on it is St. Patrick's Cross, which partially represents Northern Ireland.The Irish flag does not appear in the Union flag. What is on it is St. Patrick's Cross, which partially represents Northern Ireland.

Why does an object submerged in water appear closer to the surface than it actually is?

When light travels from water to air, it bends away from the normal (perpendicular line), causing objects to appear higher than they actually are. This phenomenon is known as refraction.

Imagine you are on a strange new planet All the lights in this planet is greenAll the objects are blue What color do the objects appear to be?

The objects would appear as green because the light sources are green and they influence the way the objects are perceived.

Does account payables appear on the income statement?

NO, Account payable is a balance sheet item it does not appear in the income statement.

7 A system of drawing based on the idea that closer objects appear larger and distant objects appear smaller?

This concept is known as linear perspective, which is a technique used in art to create depth and realism by making objects closer to the viewer appear larger and objects farther away appear smaller. It is achieved by using converging lines that meet at a vanishing point on the horizon line.

A system of drawing based on the idea that closer objects appear larger and distant objects appear smaller?

This is the concept of linear perspective, a technique used in art to create the illusion of depth on a two-dimensional surface. It involves drawing objects smaller as they recede into the background to simulate how we perceive space in the real world. Artists use principles like vanishing points and converging lines to achieve this effect.

How do most celestial objects appear to move across the sky?

Celestial objects such as the sun appear to rise in the east and set to the west.

Convex lens makes objects appear And Corrects?

Convex lens makes objects appear closer and corrects hyperopia (far-sightedness).