Any prime numbers of about 66 or 67 digits will do.
Try: 2*9*7 = 126
three zeros
There are no three didgit numbers but there are 63 three digit numbers.
Using the digits of 1345678, there are 210 three digit numbers in which no digit is repeated.
Any prime numbers of about 66 or 67 digits will do.
Try: 2*9*7 = 126
Noting multiplied by three gives you 700
This is no set of three consecutive numbers that when multiplied equal 387.
three zeros
There are only 999 three digit whole numbers.
There are no three didgit numbers but there are 63 three digit numbers.
111 and 201
Using the digits of 1345678, there are 210 three digit numbers in which no digit is repeated.
There is only one three digit number for a gross, and that is 144.