No, as all prime numbers are odd, excluding 2, and when you add two odd numbers you get an even number. This even number can't be a prime number as it will be divisible by 2. 101 and 31 are both prime, but 101+31 is 132.
You can get another prime (only if one of the numbers added is 2), for example, 101 + 2 = 103. If you add together two odd prime numbers, you will get an even number, which will not be a prime number. (An even number is a number that is divisible by 2; if such a number is greater than 2, it is not a prime number.)
Two: 1 and 101 (101 is a prime number).
There are no two prime numbers that can be multiplied to get 202.
No two prime numbers can add to 119.
No, as all prime numbers are odd, excluding 2, and when you add two odd numbers you get an even number. This even number can't be a prime number as it will be divisible by 2. 101 and 31 are both prime, but 101+31 is 132.
You can get another prime (only if one of the numbers added is 2), for example, 101 + 2 = 103. If you add together two odd prime numbers, you will get an even number, which will not be a prime number. (An even number is a number that is divisible by 2; if such a number is greater than 2, it is not a prime number.)
101 is a prime number.
Two: 1 and 101 (101 is a prime number).
There are no two prime numbers that can be multiplied to get 202.
No two prime numbers can add to 119.
101 and 103
They are: 101 and 103
137 and 11 are two prime numbers that add up to 148.
No two prime numbers satisfy that request.
Twin primes are two numbers with have a difference of 2 and that are both prime so 101 twin number is 103