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A rectangle, and selected irregular polygons of 5 or more sides. Also, all regular polygons on 4n sides where n is an integer.

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Q: What type of polygon have perpendicular lines and parallel lines?
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Are there polygons that have no parallel sides?

Yes. A triangle is a type of polygon and it has NO parallel sides!!!!!!!

Define perpendicular lines and describe the type of angle formed by perpendicular lines or line segments?

The definition of perpendicular lines also defines the angles -- perpendicular lines are two lines (or line segments) that meet at a 90 degree angle.

How many lines of symmetry doese a polygon have?

It depends on what type of polygon.

Which is better perpendicular or parallel bat rolling?

Which is better, perpendicular or parallel bat rolling, will depend on the type of bat you are rolling. If you are rolling an aluminum bat parallel bat rolling is better.

How many and what type of angles do two perpendicular lines create?

None because they will be parallel to each other but if they intersect each other they will create 4 right angles

What type of line is a parallel?

Parallel lines are two lines that will never intersect, like this.________________________________________________________

Does a parallelogram have parallel and perpendicular sides?

By definition, a parallelogram two separate pairs has parallel sides. The only type of parallelogram that has perpendicular sides is a rectangle. All others have non-perpendicular sides.

What type of triangle has perpendicular lines?

a right triangle

What type of lines are in math?

Parallel lines--will never touch Perpendicular lines--cross at right angles Rays--lines that start at a point and extend into infinity Line segment--a line between two points Line--a line that runs forever in either direction

What type of angle is created by the intersection of perpendicular lines?

Right angles of 90 degrees are created when perpendicular lines intersect each other.