Divisor is the number you're dividing (the number on top). Dividend is the number it's being divided by (the number on the bottom) The quotient is the answer.
You divide the dividend by the divisor (or the divisor 'into' the dividend) to get the quotient.
The dividend is divided by the divisor to get the quotient.
The dividend is divided by the divisor to get the quotient.
A divisor is a number that divides another number, also known as the dividend, without leaving a remainder. The quotient, on the other hand, is the result of dividing the dividend by the divisor. In other words, the quotient is the answer to a division problem. The divisor and the quotient are related in that the divisor is used to divide the dividend and obtain the quotient.
The answer is called the quotient.
Dividend if the number that you divide, divisor is the number that you divide dividend into, and quotient is the number that you get from dividing dividend into divisor. For example, in 12/3=4, 12 is the dividend, 3 is the divisor, and 4 is the quotient.
Divisor is the number you're dividing (the number on top). Dividend is the number it's being divided by (the number on the bottom) The quotient is the answer.
You divide the dividend by the divisor (or the divisor 'into' the dividend) to get the quotient.
a quotient is the answer to a division problem. The divisor is the number of parts you divide the dividend by. The dividend is the number you are dividing.
The dividend is divided by the divisor to get the quotient.
It is the divisor that is divided into the dividend resulting into a quotient
The dividend is divided by the divisor to get the quotient.
The dividend is divided by the divisor to get the quotient.
The dividend is divided by the divisor to get the quotient.
The dividend is divided by the divisor to get the quotient.
The number that is being divided is the dividend and the number that you are dividing by is called the divisor. The answer is called the quotient. 12÷3 = 4 12 is the dividend, 3 is the divisor, and 4 is the quotient.