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Q: When dividing by a decimal why can you multiply the divisor and dividend by the same power of 10?
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When you divide a decimal by decimal why do you multiply the dividend and the divisor by the power of 10?

Some people do that so that the divisor becomes an integer under the impression that dividing by a whole number is, in some way, easier than dividing by a decimal.

How do you check the answer to a decimal division question?

Multiply the quotient by the divisor to result in the dividend.If dividend/divisor=quotient, then dividend=quotient x divisor

When you divide by a decimal why do you multiply the dividend and the divisor by a power of 10?

Multiplying both the dividend and divisor by a power of 10 is done to convert the decimal divisor into a whole number. This allows us to perform the division operation using whole numbers, making it easier to calculate. It maintains the overall value of the division while simplifying the computation.

What is the name for the number into which you are dividing in a division problem?

You divide the dividend by the divisor (or the divisor 'into' the dividend) to get the quotient.

What is 700.000.000 divided by 37?

The result of dividing 700,000,000 by 37 is approximately 18,918,919. The division can be done by dividing the whole number part of the dividend (700,000,000) by the divisor (37) and then adding any remaining decimal places of the dividend divided by the divisor.

How is dividing a decimal by a whole number different than dividing 2 decimals?

Unlike dividing by a whole number, dividing buy a decimal number cannot be done directly - the divisor must first be converted to a whole number (and then the division can be done). The easiest way to do this conversion is to keep multiplying the divisor by 10 until a whole number is obtained; however, whatever is done to the divisor must also be done to the dividend, so by whatever the divisor is multiplied, the dividend must also be multiplied.

What is a quotient divisor and a dividend?

Dividend if the number that you divide, divisor is the number that you divide dividend into, and quotient is the number that you get from dividing dividend into divisor. For example, in 12/3=4, 12 is the dividend, 3 is the divisor, and 4 is the quotient.

How do you divide circumference by 3.14 if theres a decimal?

When dividing by decimals, the easiest way to do this is to modify the question so that there is no longer a decimal in the divisor. Just as with equivalent fractions, if we multiply the dividend and the divisor by the same number, we do not actually change the question. For example, consider 1 divided by 0.2 (ie 1 / 0.2) Start by multiplying the dividend and the divisor by 10 to remove the decimal in the divisor. This changes the problem to 10 / 2. We can now evaluate the division to give 10/2=5. In your specific case where you want to divide by 3.14, you would times both the dividend and the divisor by 100 to remove the decimal in the divisor. For example 6.28 / 3.14 = 628 / 314 = 2

What are the three parts of dividing?

The dividend, divisor, and quotient.

When dividing decimals the divisor must always be a?

The divisor must always be a whole number. If it is not already, then you must multiply both the the divisor and dividend by ten until the divisor is no longer a decimal. For example, let's say you have to divide 1.0/0.5 . The divisor in this case would be 0.5 . To multiply by ten, simply move the decimal over to the right one space. That would leave you with 5.0, but since you have to do it on both sides, the final expression would look like this: 10/5 .

How do you check the answer of a division problem?

You multiply the quotient and the divisor. If the result is the dividend in the division question, then the answer is correct.

When looking at the divisor and the dividend how can you tell where to begin dividing?
