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You may not literally say "multiplied by a half" but multiplying and dividing by fractions are equivalents to doing the other function with an inverse number, most easily in that dividing by 2 is the same as multiplying by (1/2). We don't often multiply and divide by fractions because most of the time we can convert such a problem into a nicer one.

We may use fractions like this, for example, in a test out of 90 marks where one must score 2/3 to pass. This pass mark is obtained by multiplying 90 by (2/3), though this, as said earlier, would usually, even unconsciously with such convenient numbers, be split into "divide by 3, then multiply by 2".

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Q: When do you use multiplying and dividing fractions in the real world?
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How is doing operations (adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing) with rational expressions similar to or different from doing operations with fractions?If you know how to do arithmetic with rational numbers you will understand the arithmetic with rational functions! Doing operations (adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing) is very similar. When you areadding or subtracting they both require a common denominator. When multiplying or dividing it works the same for instance reducing by factoring. Operations on rational expressions is similar to doing operations on fractions. You have to come up with a common denominator in order to add or subtract. To multiply the numerators and denominators separated. In division you flip the second fraction and multiply. The difference is that rational expressions can have variable letters and powers in them.

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You use fractions for LOTS of things in the real world like money, gambling, shopping, clothing, etc.

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The question presumes that math classes are not part of the real world, which is debatable. The GCF can be used to simplify fractions. Carpenters and chefs use fractions in practical, non-academic settings.

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What is a real world situation where it is useful to know about factors and multiples?

When adding or subtracting fractions with different denominators and when reducing fractions to their lowest terms.

When do you use multiplying fractions in the real world?

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What is a real world example using fractions?

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