You would use this: ┴
You have to know the slopes of both lines. -- Take the two slopes. -- The lines are perpendicular if (one slope) = -1/(the other slope), or the product of the slopes equals to -1.
web can use it for making building construction machine.
When lines met or cross at a right angle are perpendicular lines.
Triangles do not have parallel lines but as right angles triangles they do have perpendicular lines that meet at 90 degrees.
Perpendicular lines may form a "tee" or a "cross"
The hexagon haded 6 perpendicular lines.
If two lines are perpendicular to eachother, they have right angles. The format for perpendicular lines is: x is perpendicular to -1/x. This is called the opposite reciprocal.
You would use this: ┴
As a passenger on a train or when climbing a ladder.
Construction, engineering, drawing, and architecture all use parallel and perpendicular lines. Other than that, it is an important topic because you are learning how to apply the language and tools of mathematics to an intuitive system. These topics have proven important in the history of human kind and also many before you have shown that by learning about parallel and perpendicular lines, one learns how to use math and logic. It is doubtful that you can make a living off of parallel and perpendicular lines, but if you can't understand parallel and perpendicular lines, then I worry about your future.
You have to know the slopes of both lines. -- Take the two slopes. -- The lines are perpendicular if (one slope) = -1/(the other slope), or the product of the slopes equals to -1.
web can use it for making building construction machine.
When lines met or cross at a right angle are perpendicular lines.
it is just another pointless geometry term that you would only use if you are going to be a math teacher
Triangles do not have parallel lines but as right angles triangles they do have perpendicular lines that meet at 90 degrees.
Right angles are formed by perpendicular lines. If the lines would extend, to make two intersecting lines.