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When there is uncertainty about the outcome of a trial or experiment.

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Q: When is it useful to use probability?
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Related questions

How useful probability in statistics?

Statistics is based on the theoretical foundation of probability.

How is the pascal triangle useful?

We can use it to find the coefficients of numbers when we expand a binomial. We also use it in probability theory. In fact there are many uses for it.

Is the classical probability useful now?


How probability useful in whether forecasting?

Most people are not statistically trained so the probability of whether or not you are forecasting is so close to 0 that knowing its value is of little help.

What is the probability of 25 hits out of 82?

The answer depends on:the probability of each hit,whether or not the probability of a hit remains constant,whether or not the hits are independent.Since you have not bothered to share any information on these matters, I cannot provide a more useful answer.

What do dice and probability have in common?

Fair dice have a 1/6 probability of showing any one of its numbers on top. This, is a simple example which most people are familiar with. It is therefore a useful way to introduce various concepts related to probability.

What is the probability of not rolling a seven?

That depends on how many dice you use. For example, if you use a single die, the probability is 100%.

What jobs use probability and how do they use it?

every sector that wants to exploit the ignorant mass, (ab-)uses probability

What is a card game that involves probability?

Snap, bridge games use probability.

How do you use probability to help humankind?

there is a large probability that mankind will come to an end

How companies use probability?

Companies use probability in many different ways. For example, they may use it for quality control, or for risk analysis.

When do you use probability?

its easy idiots, you use it when guessing :)