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When measuring body lengths for example your shoulder to arm verse your elbow to finger tip

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Q: When would you use a scatter graph?
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When do you use a column scatter graph?

Never. You can use a column graph, or a scatter graph or even a superimposition of the two but there a column scatter graph does not exist.

When looking for a mathematical relationship between two variables use?

line graph or a scatter plot.

What type of graph is best to use to show the relationship between sets of data?

Gráfico de dispersão: é útil para mostrar a relação entre duas variáveis contínuas e identificar padrões e tendências. Gráfico de barras: é útil para comparar diferentes conjuntos de dados ou mostrar a distribuição de uma variável categórica em relação a outra variável. Gráfico de linhas: é adequado para mostrar tendências ao longo do tempo ou em uma sequência de eventos. Gráfico de pizza: é útil para mostrar a proporção de diferentes categorias em relação ao total.

What is a scatter graph?

A scatter graph, also known as a coordinate graph, a coordinate plot, or a scatter plot, is a graph with coordinates.

If you want to know what temperature it is high or low what chart or graph would you use?

I would use a scatter plot - or a line chart.

What is the difference between a line graph and a scatter graph?

A line graph would be what you plot for a function. for example, y = X2. Plotting this will result in a continuous line.A scatter graph will result from measuring a population or an experiment.For example, if you plotted the weight vs height for your class members, you would have a scatter graph.

What type of graph would you use for comparing 2 similar kinds of data?

It depends on the kind of data you have, but a scatter plot or bar graph would be best.

What is the name of the graph that has crosses?

scatter graph

What is a graph of distinct points called?

A scatter graph.

What is an example of a graph that is not a scatter plot?

Bar graph.

What is the name of graphs?

line graph scatter graph

What is the type of graph where points are plotted?

Scatter Graph