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Yes, of course. Different denominators in the rational equivalent give rise to different lengths of repeating strings.

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Q: When writing a repeating decimal as a fraction does the number of repeating digits you use matter Explain.?
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When writing a repeating decimal as a fraction does the number of repeating digits you use matter?

No... you can write it to any number of decimal places.

What is 1500 fraction in decimal form?

1500 as a fraction in decimal form is simply 1500.

How can you figure out if a decimal is repeating?

You know a decimal is repeating when you keep getting the same remainder and you keep adding the same decimal onto the end. On calculators it may be expressed as, as an example, 0.6666667. When writing a reoccurring (repeating) decimal it is usually expressed as one decimal with a line over the top of it.

How to write a mixed fraction as a decimal?

Writing a mixed fraction as a decimal is easy. You will have to multiply both top and bottom by 10.

What is 6 over 35 as a decimal?

0.1714285714285714285714 etc.. And although it does turn out to be like that, the proper way to right it without repeating is .....________ 0.1714285 Note: Please ignore the dots in front of the line. And the line is to be writing above the number starting with the 7, indicating that that's what repeats. Also keep in mind that just because that it's a repeating decimal doesn't mean it's irrational. It's written as a fraction. Any fraction is rational, so this repeating decimal is rational.

How do you write one third as a decimal and a percentage?

1. As a decimal value, write: .3 (with a horizontal line above the 3 or by writing (repeating)) 2. As a percentage, write: 33.3% or 33.3 percent (with a horizontal line above the 3 that is to the right of the decimal point or by writing (repeating))

When writing a repeating decimal as fraction why does the fraction always have only 9s as the denominator?

There can be no answer to the question because it is based on a false assumption.0.3333... repeating = 1/3 : I don't see any 9s in the denominator!or 0.0111... repeating = 11/990 : I would not consider the last digit in the denominator to be 9.Having said that, the significance of 9 is that we count in blocks of one more: 10s.

What is an equivalent decimal for 10.6?

10.59 repeating. Other than that, 10.6 is the only way of writing 10.6 in decimal notation.

What is 3 over 6 writing fraction as a decimal?

It is 0.5

What is it called when you do fraction to decimal to percent?

The process of converting a fraction to a decimal and then to a percent is called fractional to decimal to percent conversion.

What is the correct procedure for writing a fraction as a decimal?

Divide the denominator into the numerator.

Why do you multiplied by a power of 10 when writing a repeating decimal as a rational number?

Multiplying by ten to the power k moves the decimal point k places to the right. If the repeating sequence comprises n digits and you multiply by 10n then the decimal point is moved n places to the right and the positions of the repeating sequence relative to the decimal point is not changed. This allows you to subtract the one repeating decimal expression from the other and get a terminating decimal which can then be used as the numerator of the ratio.