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Q: Where p and q are statements p q is called the of p and q?
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Where p and q are statements p and q is called what of p and q?

The truth values.

What are the different types of statements?

there are 32 types of thesis statements possible

What are the origins of using p and q in if-then statements?

There is big deal. x and y are commonly used as variables, p and q are used a statements in logic.

Which of the following statements is true if p is an integer and q is a nonzero integer?

Then p/q is a rational number.

This statement is false brain teaser?

Let us consider "This statement is false." This quotation could also be read as "This, which is a statement, is false," which could by extent be read as "This is a statement and it is false." Let's call this quotation P. The statement that P is a statement will be called Q. If S, then R and S equals R; therefore, if Q, then P equals not-P (since it equals Q and not-P). Since P cannot equal not-P, we know that Q is false. Since Q is false, P is not a statement. Since P says that it is a statement, which is false, P itself is false. Note that being false does not make P a statement; all things that are statements are true or false, but it is not necessarily true that all things that are true or false are statements. In summary: "this statement is false" is false because it says it's a statement but it isn't.

What is is called when a conditional and its converse are true and they are written as a single true statement?

It is an if and only if (often shortened to iff) is usually written as p <=> q. This is also known as Equivalence. If you have a conditional p => q and it's converse q => p we can then connect them with an & we have: p => q & q => p. So, in essence, Equivalence is just a shortened version of p => q & q => p .

If p q and q r then p r. Converse statement B.A syllogism C.Contrapositive statement D.Inverse statement?

Converse: If p r then p q and q rContrapositive: If not p r then not (p q and q r) = If not p r then not p q or not q r Inverse: If not p q and q r then not p r = If not p q or not q r then not p r

What is the sum or difference of p and q?

The sum of p and q means (p+q). The difference of p and q means (p-q).

What is the truth table for p arrow q?

Not sure I can do a table here but: P True, Q True then P -> Q True P True, Q False then P -> Q False P False, Q True then P -> Q True P False, Q False then P -> Q True It is the same as not(P) OR Q

What is q²-p² divided by q-p?

q + p

If p is 50 of q then what percent of p is q?

If p = 50 of q then q is 2% of p.

What does rational mean in math?

any number is called rational if it can be written in the form p/q where p and q are integers and q is not zero. In the case q is 1, we have the integers themselves. In the case where p/q can not be further simplified and q is not 1 or 0, then it is what many people call a fraction.