

Where x meets y is a?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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Q: Where x meets y is a?
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Where x axis meets y axis?


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the sex of all embryos is decided when the sperm meets the egg. The egg is x and the sperm is either x or y. If y then it is a male and x is female.

Are a polynomial's factors the values at which the graph of a polynomial meets the y-axis?

Not quite. The polynomial's linear factors are related - not equal to - the places where the graph meets the x-axis. For example, the polynomial x2 - 5x + 6, in factored form, is (x - 2) (x - 3). In this case, +2 and +3 are "zeroes" of the polynomial, i.e., the graph crosses the x-axis. That is, in an x-y graph, y = 0.

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If: y = 5x and y = 3 -x Then: 5x = 3 -x => 5x +x = 3 => 6x = 3 => x = 1/2 By substitution point of contact is at: (1/2, 5/2)

How would you gaph the equation y equals 2x minuis3?

You know that y = 2x - 3, so to draw the graph: (a) You work out where this equation meets the horizontal axis of the graph and put a mark there. (b) You also work out where it meets the vertical axis of the graph and put a mark there. You then draw a straight line through the two points which carries on on either side. For (a) the equation meets the horizontal axis when y = 0. You know that y = 2x - 3, so put y = 0 into this equation. 0 = 2x - 3 -> 3 = 2x -> x = 1.5 So the line meets the horizontal axis when x = 1.5 For (b) the equation meets the vertical axis when x = 0 So again put that into y = 2x - 3 So y = 2*0 - 3 -> y = -3 So the line meets the vertical axis when y = -3. Draw a line through these two points (1.5,0) and (0,-3) and there you have your graph.

How many times will the graph of y equals x2 plus 6x plus 9 cross the x axis?

None, it touches it at x = -3.For a quadratic y = ax2 + bx + c, it will meet the x-axis (y = 0) either 0, 1 or 2 times dependent on: b2 - 4ac. If b2 - 4ac is:> 0 the line meets the x-axis twice, so crosses it twice= 0 the line meets the x-axis once, so it does not cross it but only meets it.< 0 the line does not meet the x-axis at all, so cannot cross it.for y = x2 + 6x + 9:b2 - 4ac = 62 - 4 x 1 x 9= 36 - 36= 0so the line meets the x-axis once, but does not cross it - all the values of y are greater than, or equal to zero, but never negative.

What does 'if place meeting' do on Gamemaker 8.1?

If the current object meets with the place meeting object at coordinates (x,y), return true. Meaning for example if obj_player touches obj_wall at x,y. then execute the code in the { }. If no "meeting at place x,y" has occurd, skip the code in the { }

What does x-axis mean?

It's the horizontal line on the Cartesian plane that meets the y-axis at the origin at 90 degrees.

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7*sqrt(2) = 9.899 to 3 dp

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Equation of line: x +y = -0.25 or x +y = -1/4 Equation of curve: y = x^2 If: x +y = -1/4 then y = -1/4 -x If: y = x^2 then x^2 = -1/4 -x or 4x^2 = -1 -4x Transposing terms: 4x^2 +4x +1 = 0 Factorizing the above: (2x+1)(2x+1) = 0 meaning x = -1/2 Therefore by substitution solutions are: x = -1/2 and y = 1/4

Is there cheats for sponge bob battle for bikini bottom?

For all codes, pause the game and hold down L + R. You'll hear a sound to confirm a succsessful entry. Note that the codes must be entered very quickly.CheatEffectX,X,X,X,Y,X,Y,X,Y,Y,Y,YMax. HealthY,X,Y,X,X,Y,X,X,X,Y,Y,Y,Y,X,X,YShiny Objects have more valueY,Y,Y,Y,Y,X,Y,X,Y,X,X,Yvilliagers and Co-Stars give shiny objects when you double-jump near themX,X,X,Y,Y,X,X,X,X,Y,X,X,X,Y,X,XHigher Difficulty levelY,Y,Y,Y,Y,X,Y,X,X,X,Y,YVilliagers give healthY,Y,Y,Y,Y,X,Y,X,X,Y,X,YVilliagers give shiny objects when hitY,X,Y,X,Y,Y,X,XInstant Cruise Bubble acquisitionX,Y,X,Y,X,X,Y,YInstant Bubble Bowl acquisitionX,Y,Y,X,X,Y,Y,X10 golden spatulas (repeatable)Y,X,X,Y,Y,X,X,Y1,000 shiny objects (repeatable)X, X, X, X, Y, Y, X, X, Y, X, Y, YCruise Bubble has Cruise ControlX, Y, X, Y, Y, X, Y, XAll Monsters in the Police Station GalleryX, X, X, X, Y, X, X, Y, X, Y, Y, XPantsless SpongebobY, Y, Y, Y, X, Y, X, Y, X, X, X, XGiant PlanktonY, Y, Y, Y, X, Y, X, Y, Y, Y, Y, YSmall Patrick, Squidward, Sandy, and Mr. KrabsY, Y, Y, Y, Y, X, Y, X, Y, X, Y, XSmall People (Fishes)X, X, X, Y, Y, X, Y, X, X, X, YAlways Shrapnel Death AnimationY, Y, X, X, X, X, Y, YInvert Camera Controls Left and RightY, X, X, X, X, X, X, YInvert Camera Controls Up and Down

What is the y-intercept of the line given by the equation below Enter your answer as an ordered pair y equals 6x - 9?
