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Q: Which set of values could be the side leghts of a 30- 60 -90 triangle?
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What is the missing side of a right triangle that has a side of 3 inches and a side of 9 inches?

9.49 or 8.49, depending on which sides of the triangle the given values relate to.

Which set of values could be the side lengths of a 30-60-90 triangle?

3, 4 and 5 units of length

Which set of values could be the side lenghts of a 30 60 90 triangle?

There cannot be an integral set of values. The lengths need to be in the ratio 1 : sqrt(3) : 2.

What are the side lengths of a triangle with an area of 6?

If its a right angle triangle then its side lengths could be 3, 4 and 5

Can the side opposite of the vertex of a triangle could be the base of a triangle?

Yes, though generally speaking the bottom, horizontal side (if any) of a triangle is called its base.

If 48 cm and 54 cm are the lengths of two sides of the triangle what is the range of possible values of the third side?

The sum of the 2 smallest sides of a triangle must be greater than the length of its longest side

Can a triangle have a negative side?

The sides of a triangle are its lengths are cannot be negative. However, you could place a triangle on coordinate system and some points where the vertices are could be negative numbers.

Which of the following could be the side measures of a right triangle?

There are no numbers on that list that could be the sides of a right triangle. Oh, all right. The following is the answer:

What three measurements could be the length of the side of a triangle?

They could be 3 cm by 4 cm by 5 cm for a right angle triangle.

How do you find values for the third side of a triangle?

Perimeter -2 known sides = 3rd side 180 -2 known angles = 3rd angle

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A triangle has two sides of lengths 7 and 9. what value could the length of the third side be?

If a square and a triangle have an area of sixty four square centimeters if the length of the triangle is the same as the length of a side of the square what is the height of the triangle?

You do not indicate if the given area is the total area of the square and the triangle. Or whether they are equal values.