If any of its 2 sides is not greater than its third in length then a triangle can't be formed.
To see if three lengths can be made into a triangle:Add together the two shorter lengths;if this sum is greater than the remaining length, then a triangle can be made;otherwise the sum is less than or equal to the remaining length and a triangle cannot be made.examples:3, 4, 53 + 4 = 7 > 5 ⇒ is a triangle 5, 5, 85 + 5 = 10 > 8 ⇒ is a triangle 12, 30, 1812 + 18 = 30 ≤ 30 ⇒ is not a triangle 12, 35, 1812 + 18 = 30 ≤ 35 ⇒ is not a triangle
Given unchanging lengths of the sides, a triangle cannot change its shape. But given unchanging lengths of the sides of a rectangle, it can change its shape by some force by changing its angle measurements. If a 2d load were put on a rectangle, enough force could squish the rectangle into a parallelogram, whereas a triangle cannot change shape without changing the lengths of its sides or bending its sides out of shape (most likely into a curve).Given these properties, a rectangle can collapse its shape much more easily and is flimsy compared to a triangle.
If its a right angle triangle then its side lengths could be 3, 4 and 5
Yes and the given lengths would form an isosceles triangle.
If any of its 2 sides is not greater than its third in length then a triangle can't be formed.
It can't.
There cannot be an integral set of values. The lengths need to be in the ratio 1 : sqrt(3) : 2.
The sides of a triangle are its lengths are cannot be negative. However, you could place a triangle on coordinate system and some points where the vertices are could be negative numbers.
The list that accompanies the question doesn't contain any numbers that could be the lengths of the sides of a triangle.
162+632=652 It is, in fact, a right triangle. I see no other question that you could be posing.
The dimensions of the scalene triangle could be 7 by 5 by 3 inches