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Q: Which term when added to the given polynomial will change the end behavior of the graph?
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Since no polynomial was given, no answer will be given.

What is the difference in evaluating a polynomial and solving a polynomial?

Evaluating a polynomial is finding the value of the polynomial for a given value of the variable, usually denoted by x. Solving a polynomial equation is finding the value of the variable, x, for which the polynomial equation is true.

The polynomial given roots?

Do mean find the polynomial given its roots ? If so the answer is (x -r1)(x-r2)...(x-rn) where r1,r2,.. rn is the given list roots.

What is an exchange of information that results in a change of behavior called?

An exchange of information that results in a change of behavior is called an influence. For example, you have a habit of smoking. You are given information about the health risks, and you then change your behavior to quit smoking.

How do you rewrite an polynomial and standard form?

A polynomial, of degree n, in standard form is:anxn + an-1xn-1 + ... + a1x+ a0 = 0 where n is an integer and the ai are constants.The answer about how to rewrite a polynomial depends on the form that it is given in.A polynomial, of degree n, in standard form is:anxn + an-1xn-1 + ... + a1x+ a0 = 0 where n is an integer and the ai are constants.The answer about how to rewrite a polynomial depends on the form that it is given in.A polynomial, of degree n, in standard form is:anxn + an-1xn-1 + ... + a1x+ a0 = 0 where n is an integer and the ai are constants.The answer about how to rewrite a polynomial depends on the form that it is given in.A polynomial, of degree n, in standard form is:anxn + an-1xn-1 + ... + a1x+ a0 = 0 where n is an integer and the ai are constants.The answer about how to rewrite a polynomial depends on the form that it is given in.

How do you factor a polynomial with the equation of 6A2 - B 2?

The given polynomial does not have factors with rational coefficients.


Polynomial fuction in standard form with the given zeros

What is an expression that completely divides a given polynomial?

It is an algebraic factor.

When can you say a given expressions are polynomials?

you can say that it is polynomial if that have a exponent

How many terms are in the polynomial abc+ e-fg +h squared 2?

The terms in a polynomial are seperated by a + or - So in given polynomial there are 4 terms.... abc , e, fg and h²

How do you find polynomial whose zeros are given?

when the equation is equal to zero. . .:)

What is the degree of the given polynomial 5x3y2 plus 9x3y4?

Degree 7