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Q: Which values are solutions to the inequality x2 9?
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Find all integer values of x that make the equation or inequality true x2 equals 9?

that would be limited to 3 and -3 for values of x

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If you mean: x2+8x-9 = 0 then the solutions are x = 1 and x = -9

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x2 = 81 Square root both sides:- x = +/- 9

How can you graph x2 - y2 equals 9?

Therefore x2=9+y2. And x is the square-root of that (with two values plus and minus). Choose a value of y, and work out x2 and therefore the values of x. Plot the two (+ and -) on a graph and continue for more values of y.

X2 plus 6x plus 9 equals 81?

x2 + 6x + 9 = 81 x2 + 6x = 72 x2 + 6x - 72 = 0 (x+12)(x-6) = 0 x= -12, 6 (two solutions)

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x2 + 6x = 7 ⇒ x2 + 6x + 9 = 7 + 9 ⇒ (x + 3)2 = 16 ⇒ x + 3 = ±4 ⇒ x = -7 or 1

What are solutions to the equation x2 plus 4x-9 equals 5x plus 3?

x2+4x-9 = 5x+3 x2+4x-5x-9-3 = 0 x2-x-12 = 0 (x+3)(x-4) = 0 x = -3 or x = 4

How do you write a quadratic equation using only solutions 9 and 1?

Solutions: x = 9 and x = 1 Factored: (x-9(x-1) = 0 Equation: x2-10x+9 = 0

What are the integer values of the inequality x on the number line when x squared minus 1 is less than 8?

x2-1 < 8 Add 1 to both sides: x2 < 9 Square root both sides gives x < +3 or x > -3 So: -3 < x < 3 Therefore x has values of -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 on the number line.

What is the product of all integer values ofx for which X2-9 is a prime number?

The answer is -16.

What is the quadratic of this equation x2 plus 11x plus 11 equals 7x plus 9?

x2+11x+11 = 7x+9 x2+11x-7x+11-9 = 0 x2+4x+2 = 0 The above quadratic equation can be solved by using the quadratic equation formula and it will have two solutions.

What is the answer to x2-x plus 9 equals 0?

There are no solutions because the discriminant is less than zero