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The egyptians did

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Q: Who are the person involve in the evolution of trigonometry?
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How do you solve problems that involve measurements of triangles?

Through the usage of trigonometry and a protractor.

How hard is Trigonometry for the average person to learn?

If they put their mind to it, it is not difficult.

What are the 2 branches of trigonometry?

plane trigonometry spherical trigonometry

What are the kinds of trigonometry?

The main kinds are plane trigonometry and solid trigonometry. The latter will include trigonometry in hyper-spaces.

Why the study of trigonometry is a vehicle for acquiring skills and desirable values and habits of mind?

The topics studied in trigonometry including the properties of angles and triangles, as well as the properties of functions will greatly enhance your ability to reason, even qualitatively, for problems in the real world, even if they don't involve trig. Also, the discipline learned in the study of trigonometry will assist in every other subject studies, regardless of its nature.

Related questions

What jobs other than a architect requires trigonometry?

Engineers and Physicists use trigonometry, as well as people whose carrers involve acoustics, optics, and waves.

How do you solve problems that involve measurements of triangles?

Through the usage of trigonometry and a protractor.

Does linoone involve in pearl?

no! linoone is the last evolution

What does evolution not involve?

Evolution does not involve individuals changing to better adapt to their environment during their lifetime (Lamarckism). It also does not involve a predetermined or goal-directed process. Furthermore, it does not always result in the creation of "perfect" or "advanced" organisms.

How is trigonometry used in architecture?

Whenever architecture involves the use of lines that are not on the x or y axis, it will involve trigonometry to calculate the length of lines and the angles they make from one another.One example is calculating roof pitch.

How do nurses uses trigonometry?

Trigonometry helps you to easily read the rate of heart beats of a person and their blood pressure level as well.

How is evolution and convergent evolution alike?

Evolution and convergent evolution both involve changes in organisms over time. However, convergent evolution specifically refers to the independent evolution of similar traits in unrelated species in response to similar environmental challenges.

When does raticate involve in to sentret?

Raticate does not evolve into Sentret. Sentret is of a completely different evolution line, being the pre-evolution of Furret.

Who can teach trigonometry?

Anyone who knows more trigonometry than you and is able to convey that information effectively. A person with loads of qualifications does not necessarily make a teacher.

How hard is Trigonometry for the average person to learn?

If they put their mind to it, it is not difficult.

What does trigonometry involve?

You need to be able to solve logarithms and be very good at algebra. In college, you have to be able to do college level algebra before you can take trig.

What are the 2 branches of trigonometry?

plane trigonometry spherical trigonometry