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Q: Who are the persons responsible for the development of algebra?
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Who were involved in algebra's development?

albert einstein

Who contributed to the development of algebra?

some Muslim dude

What are the importance of boolean algebra?

Boolean algebra is an area of algebra in which variables are replaced with 1 or 0 to indicate true or false. This form of algebra became the basis for binary computer programming used in digital electronic development.

Who was associated with the development of algebra?

Many people. Ancient Chinese, Indians, Arabic people (that is where the word Algebra comes from) and ancient Greeks.

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it is about life and being responsible

Famous mathematicians who contributed in the development of algebra?

sir isaac newton

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Who found algebra?

There can be no person who is singlehandedly responsible for the founding of alerbra. This is because algebra is a classification of a certain type of math. Therefor there is a vast amount of people who contributed to the upbringing of algebra.

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the government

Who is responsible for a persons debt after death?

The person who the will go with.

Who is responsible for a persons debt when they die?

The estate will be responsible. If there are not enough assets to cover the debts, then they will not be paid.