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Q: Why do water freezes from top to bottom but not bottom to top?
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Why does a pond freeze from the bottom?

A pond freezes from the bottom because water is most dense at around 4 degrees Celsius. When the top layer of water cools and freezes, it becomes less dense and remains on top, insulating the warmer water below. This allows the colder water to continue freezing from the bottom up.

How does anomalous expansion of water help aquatic organisms in cold climate?

Aquatic life is benefited by the anomalous expansion of water because the water freezes top to bottom, not bottom to top. If it froze bottom to top, then the aquatic life would be pushed up, up, up, towards the surface of the water. Since it goes top to bottom, and the water at the bottom remains at 277K, the Aquatic life can survive there.

What prevents the lakes of colder parts of the world from freezing solid from bottom up?

Ice is 9% less dense than water so it floats. When water freezes it floats to the top so the water (liquid) is always at the bottom.

Why do pond freezes from top to bottom instead of bottom up?

Ice is less dense than water so it floats on water. This is useful because it insulates the remainder of the water but also means that aquatic life will not die as they would if water froze upwards.

Why do ponds often freeze in winter but the sea rarely freezes?

When it snows the ice only freezes the top leaving the bottom still water and when you crack that ice the water is still there and the fishes in the sea are still alive. :) i hoped you have learnt

Why is it beneficial for fish that water expands when it freezes?

When water freezes, it becomes less dense and expands. This creates a layer of insulating ice on top of bodies of water, which helps to protect fish and other aquatic organisms from extreme cold temperatures. If water did not expand when it freezes, ice would sink, potentially making bodies of water freeze from the bottom up and causing harm to aquatic life.

If hot water rises how come the top of a pond or cup of water freezes first?

The ground stays warmer. so the top is frozen first because it comes in direct contact with the cold air, and the bottom is in closer contact to the warmer earth.

Does the bottom of the universe have water?

The universe has no top or bottom.

What is unique about water in terms of matter?

It is denser than air. So, water freezes from the top down.

How does the valve functions in bubble top water dispenser?

Bubble top has a replaceable top can of higher capacity and a permanent can at the bottom of lower capacity. When we invert the sealed replaceable can filled with water and place it on the permanent can, the piercing agent in the bottom half opens the seal and water from the top can flows out to fill the permanent can, from which we consume water. While doing so water enters into the top can as bubbles and fills the sapce above the water in the inverted can. The atmospheric pressure outide balances the water in the top can. As we consume the water in the bottom can, water level in the bottom can drops down and exposes the water in the top can. This drops down again to fill the bottom can till the pressure balances the weight of water. (Note ::: if there is leak in the joint between the bottom and top can (Or) If the bottom of the Top can has a minor crack..full water drops from it into bottom and hence spills out..) ... Have a great day....An Engineer

Why does water not become ice at the bottom of the sea?

Water has the highest density at 4 degrees celcius. So when there is ice at the top, the temperature increases to the bottom. Only when all the water is cooled off, it freezes. If water behaved like most other materials, it whould just get heavier as the temperature decreases, and lakes would freeze from the bottom. Without circulation, they might never thaw in the summer.

Does water expand?

When it freezes.