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This is due to the zero-product property. In principle, any polynomial equation of degree 2 can be factored as:

(x - a)(x - b) = 0

Here is a specific example:

(x - 5)(x + 3) = 0

Now, if the product of two factors is zero, it follows that one of the two factors is equal to zero; so the above becomes:

x - 5 = 0 OR x + 3 = 0

Solving the individual parts, you get the two solutions. Of course, it is possible that the two factors happen to be the same; in this case, the polynomial is said to have a "double" root (i.e., a double solution).

Similarly, a polynomial equation of degree 3 can be separated into 3 factors, a polynomial of degree 4 can be factored into 4 factors, etc.

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Q: Why do you get 2 solutions in the quadratic equation?
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the maximum number of solutions to a quadratic equation is 2. However, usually there is only 1.

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If the discriminant of b2-4ac of the quadratic equation is greater the 0 then it will have 2 solutions.

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The quadratic formula can be used to find the solutions of a quadratic equation - not a linear or cubic, or non-polynomial equation. The quadratic formula will always provide the solutions to a quadratic equation - whether the solutions are rational, real or complex numbers.

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The equation must be written in the form ( ax^2 + bx + c = 0 ), where ( a \neq 0 ). This is the standard form of a quadratic equation. If the equation is not in this form, you may need to rearrange it before applying the quadratic formula.

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No because quadratic equations only have 2 X-Intercepts