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Q: Why do you need to know how to work out the volume of something?
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What two things do you need to know to work out the density of an object?

To work out the density of an object, you need to know its mass (weight) and volume. Density is calculated by dividing the mass of the object by its volume.

When would you need to know the volume of a cube?

When asked to work out the lengths of its edges and its surface area.

How do you work out the measure of a given volume?

If you are given the volume, then you do not need to work it out!

What two quantitiesdo you need know in order to calculate density?

If you don't know this you can work it out from the units: Density = kg/m^3 (kilograms per metre cubed) Mass is measured in kilograms Volume is measured in metres cubed You therefore need mass and volume to work out density.

How do you convert kgs into cubic meters?

To convert kilograms (kg) to cubic meters (m³), you need to know the density of the substance. Divide the weight in kilograms by the density in kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m³) to get the volume in cubic meters. The formula is: volume (m³) = mass (kg) / density (kg/m³).

How many tons of sand to fill 24ft circle 4 inches deep?

For this, you can work out the volume of the cylinder of sand you need to fill. But you'll also need to know the density of the sand to convert this volume into weight.

Tablespoons in a lb?

tablespoons are a measure of volume, lb (pounds) is a measure of weight, thus the two can not be equated directly you need to know - tablespoons of WHAT before you can work out how many will be needed to make a pound of that WHAT. i.e to convert volume into weight you need to know the dentistry of the material being measured.

Density of a block of 50.3cm by 39.3 and height 30.2?

You also need to know the weight, to work that out. The information given will only give you the volume.

Why did the Archimedes need to know to work out the density of a substance?

Weight vs volume. PLace object in container already full of water. Measure volume of liquid displaced. weight object. weight divided by volume equals density

How do you work out the volume of a cylindrical can of paint if you know the radius and height?

Volume = pi*radius2*height

How do you get a guy alone to tell him you like him?

get with him in a partner or something, with homework or something. if that doesnt work, just say you need to talk about something in private. i know its embarrassing, but you have to if you want to tell him

What is the volume of wood?

This can not be worked out as volume is bassically a measure of size and so you need the dimensions to work this out, however if you mean density than you can not work that out without knowing the weight and volume.