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Potential Energy of the ball on the shallow ramp and the ball on the steep ramps are different: PE = mass x gravity x height. This potential energy is converted to Kinetic energy or motion energy. KE = 1/2mv^2. If there is more potential energy to convert to Kinetic energy then it will result in increased speed.

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Q: Why does a ball roll faster down a steep ramp than down a shallow ramp?
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A ball thrown down. The thrown ball will have a greater initial velocity and since they experience the same force of gravity, it will always be faster (until they both reach terminal velocity).

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its not exactly the skate board. Its how you use your momentum. Even if you do not use momentum gravity will pull u faster down a steep ramp.

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Adding oil to a ball will likely make it roll down a hill faster because the reduced friction between the ball and the surface will make it easier for the ball to move.

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Yes, steep slopes can cause objects to accelerate faster due to the force of gravity acting more vertically on the object. This increased acceleration can cause the object to move downward more quickly compared to a less steep slope.

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Yes, the surface of a hill can affect how fast a ball will roll down it. A smoother surface will have less friction, allowing the ball to roll faster, while a rougher surface will create more friction and slow the ball down. Additionally, the incline of the hill will also impact the speed of the ball as steeper hills will cause the ball to accelerate more quickly.

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Soils don't form on steep slopes because the rate of erosion outweighs the rate of soil formation. The steep gradient causes water to wash away any accumulating soil particles before they have a chance to develop into mature soil. This process results in shallow or no soil development on steep slopes.

Does a golf ball go faster as you increase the slope of a ramp?

In other words, does a golf ball roll faster up a hill? No obviously not. It would roll faster down a slope, it's called gravity.

Which statement is an obervation if the ramp is steeper then the ball will roll faster or friction slowed the ball down or gravity caused the ball's motion?

"Friction slowed the ball down" is an observation because it describes a direct, visible effect on the ball's motion. The other statements are hypotheses or explanations for why the ball's speed changed.

Does a ball roll faster on grass or gravel?

A ball typically rolls faster on gravel than on grass due to the smoother surface and reduced friction on gravel. Grass can create more resistance and slow down the ball's movement.