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Euler came up with the log, and being Swiss, would've spoken french. In French the natural log would be le logarithme naturel, and his notation would've just caught on. I might be wrong, I've not really looked this up, just seems like a logical assumption...

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Q: Why is natural log given the initials ln instead of nl?
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To make a natural log a log with the base of 10, you take ten to the power of you natural log. Ex: ln15=log10ln15=log510.5640138 I'm sorry if you don't have a calculator that can do this, but this will work.

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The natural log of 100 is about 4.605. The transcendental number e (about 2.718281828) raised to the power of 4.605 is 100.

How do you find logarithms using a calculator?

If you are using a scientific calculator you will have a key labelled "log". To find the logarithm (to base 10) of a number, simply enter "log" followed by the number that you want to log. If you want a natural logarithm - log to the base e - use the "ln" key instead. If you haven't got a scientific calculator, use the one on your computer.

Derivative of log?

The derivative of a log is as follows: 1 divided by xlnb Where x is the number beside the log Where b is the base of the log and ln is just the natural log.