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It is only true in the case of x=e.

Here's how I got that solution:

ln x = 1 (given)

e1=x (definition of a logarithm)

e=x (n1=n)

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Q: Why log to base e of x equal one?
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Solve ln y equals xln e?

ln is the natural logarithm. That is it is defined as log base e. As we all know from school, log base 10 of 10 = 1 just as log base 3 of 3 = 1, so, likewise, log base e of e = 1 and 1.x = x. so we have ln y = x. Relace ln with log base e, and you should get y = ex

What number has a log of 8.0573-10?


What is the Difference between a natural log and a log with base 10?

The natural log of a number is some other number such that if you take e (2.718281828...) and raise it to that other number you would get the first number. Another way to say this is that a natural log is a log with base e. The common log of a number is some other number such that if you take 10 and raise it to that other number you would get the first number. The natural log base, e, is a special transcendental number, chosen so that the derivative (respect to x) of ex is equal to ex . In other words, the slope of a tangent line to the curve y = ex at point (x, ex) is equal to ex for all x

What is full form of LOG?

"Log" is short for Logarithm and can be to any base.The Logarithm of a number is the number to which the base has to be raised to get that number; that is why there are no logarithms for negative numbers. For example: 10² = 100 → log to base 10 of 100 is 2.There are two specific abbreviations:lg is the log to base 10ln is the log to base e - e is Euler's number and is approximately 2.71828184; logs to base e are known as natural logs.On an electronic calculator the [log] button takes logarithms to base 10. The inverse function (anti-log) is marked as 10^x.Similarly the [ln] button takes logs to base e, with the inverse function marked as e^x.

How do you solve log x plus log 8 equals 1?

log(x)+log(8)=1 log(8x)=1 8x=e x=e/8 You're welcome. e is the irrational number 2.7....... Often log refers to base 10 and ln refers to base e, so the answer could be x=10/8

Related questions

What is log 100 base e?

log 100 base e = log 100 base 10 / log e base 10 log 100 base 10 = 10g 10^2 base 10 = 2 log 10 base 10 = 2 log e base 10 = 0.434294 (calculator) log 100 base e = 2/0.434294 = 4.605175

What is the same thing as log base e?

log base e = ln.

What is the value of loge if base is not equal to e?

You can calculate log to any base by using: logb(x) = ln(x) / ln(b) [ln is natural log], so if you have logb(e) = ln(e) / ln(b) = 1 / ln(b)

Solve ln y equals xln e?

ln is the natural logarithm. That is it is defined as log base e. As we all know from school, log base 10 of 10 = 1 just as log base 3 of 3 = 1, so, likewise, log base e of e = 1 and 1.x = x. so we have ln y = x. Relace ln with log base e, and you should get y = ex

How do I solve the equation e to the power of x equals 2 using logarithms?

When the logarithm is taken of any number to a power the result is that power times the log of the number; so taking logs of both sides gives: e^x = 2 → log(e^x) = log 2 → x log e = log 2 Dividing both sides by log e gives: x = (log 2)/(log e) The value of the logarithm of the base when taken to that base is 1. The logarithms can be taken to any base you like, however, if the base is e (natural logs, written as ln), then ln e = 1 which gives x = (ln 2)/1 = ln 2 This is in fact the definition of a logarithm: the logarithm to a specific base of a number is the power of the base which equals that number. In this case ln 2 is the number x such that e^x = 2. ---------------------------------------------------- This also means that you can calculate logs to any base if you can find logs to a specific base: log (b^x) = y → x log b = log y → x = (log y)/(log b) In other words, the log of a number to a given base, is the log of that number using any [second] base you like divided by the log of the base to the same [second] base. eg log₂ 8 = ln 8 / ln 2 = 2.7094... / 0.6931... = 3 since log₂ 8 = 3 it means 2³ = 8 (which is true).

What number has a log of 8.0573-10?


What is the Difference between a natural log and a log with base 10?

The natural log of a number is some other number such that if you take e (2.718281828...) and raise it to that other number you would get the first number. Another way to say this is that a natural log is a log with base e. The common log of a number is some other number such that if you take 10 and raise it to that other number you would get the first number. The natural log base, e, is a special transcendental number, chosen so that the derivative (respect to x) of ex is equal to ex . In other words, the slope of a tangent line to the curve y = ex at point (x, ex) is equal to ex for all x

What is full form of LOG?

"Log" is short for Logarithm and can be to any base.The Logarithm of a number is the number to which the base has to be raised to get that number; that is why there are no logarithms for negative numbers. For example: 10² = 100 → log to base 10 of 100 is 2.There are two specific abbreviations:lg is the log to base 10ln is the log to base e - e is Euler's number and is approximately 2.71828184; logs to base e are known as natural logs.On an electronic calculator the [log] button takes logarithms to base 10. The inverse function (anti-log) is marked as 10^x.Similarly the [ln] button takes logs to base e, with the inverse function marked as e^x.

How do you use your calculator to evaluate log 25.65?

Please note that an expression like log 25.65 is ambiguous, since no base is specified. In this case, either base 10 or base e might be assumed, depending on the context.In some calculators, especially older ones, you would press the number 25.65, then press one of the log keys. There is usually one for base 10, and one for base e. In newer calculators, you press the one of the log keys first, then the number, then something like enter.

How do you solve log x plus log 8 equals 1?

log(x)+log(8)=1 log(8x)=1 8x=e x=e/8 You're welcome. e is the irrational number 2.7....... Often log refers to base 10 and ln refers to base e, so the answer could be x=10/8

Is Log x equal to In x?

No. Log x may be written more explicitly as log10(x). That is, the logarithm of x to the base 10. Assuming that In x is a misprint for ln x, this is loge(x) ie the logarithm of e to the base e. log10(x) = loge(x)/loge(10)

What is Log S?

In mathematics, the logarithm function is denoted by "log". The base of the logarithm is typically specified, for example, "Log S" usually refers to the logarithm of S to a certain base (e.g., base 10 or base e).