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The only reason that I can think of is that you want to communicate with a person who is not familiar with the English system - football rules measure the field in yards or feet, so square meters is an unnatural measure for them.

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Q: Why use a square meter to measure a football field?
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Square yards. Cubic measure is for volume

SI unit best used to measure a football field?

centi I would suggest the meter (metre). A football field is 100 yards, or 91.44 meters.

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The meter.

What should you use to measure a football field?

You should use a meter stick to measure the length of a soccer pitch.

The football field is approximately 5400 sq meters. Use the average number of dandelions per square meter to estimate the size of the dandelion population on the football field?

The average football field measures 100 yards long and is 5400 square meters in size. In that amount of space, a person may find over 10,000 dandelions.

What difference square meter and linear meter?

A square meter is a measure of area; whereas a linear meter is a measure of length.

Convert cubic meter into square meter?

Impossible!!! Cubic meter is a volume measure and square meter is a measure of area!!!

Indoor soccer field size in square meter?

A soccer field is 100 m by 60 m, so your answer is 6000 m² ■

How do you convert grams per square meter to kg per cubic meter?

Grams are a measure of weight, a square meter is a measure of area, and a cubic meter is a measure of volume. These are not comparable.

Difference between square meter and meter?

Square meters is a measure of area and meters is a measure of length or distance.

What is the weight of a square meter of steel?

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What does a square meter measure?
