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because the Vikings didn't have pencils or pens like our day's they had to write using knives and stcks making it hard to draw curves so they made the alphabet up of mainly straight lines so they could write them

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Q: Why was the viking alphabet mostly straight lines?
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The lines that you have just drawn most resemble what letters of the alphabet?

The letters of the alphabet that are formed from straight lines are:AEFHIKkLlMNTtVvWwXxYyZz

How many straight lines are there in alphabet w?

There are no straight lines in the letter "W" because it is made up of two diagonal lines intersecting at a point.

What were vikings runes?

Runes were a written alphabet alphabet used by the Vikings, consisting of various symbols that could be efficiently carved into stone or wood, due to the many straight lines and no curved lines.

Classify the figure F?

It is an upper case character of the Roman alphabet consisting of three straight lines.

Why is it alphabet of lines called alphabet of lines?

ewan koh

What is the name of the viking altherbet?

If by altherbet you mean alphabet, it was called the Futhark, or Futhorc, depending on the region and time period. It was composed of runes, primarily characters made of straight vertical and diagonal lines meant to be carved against the grain in wood. Just as the word "alphabet" comes from the first two letters of the character row (Alpha Beta), so does the name Futhark comes from the first few letters of the viking character row. Fehu, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raidho, Kenaz. F-U-Th-A-R-K

Why do you think there are few curves on any of the runes?

Runes were chiseled on stone. It is easier to chisel straight lines on stone than curved lines. I assume this is why runes, especially the earliest ones, are mostly comprised of straight lines.

What are the different types of alphabet lines?

Hi The different types of Alphabet of lines are:-Visible.-cutting plane lines.-Short breaking lines.-Border lines.-Invisible lines .-Ditto or hidden lines.-Center lines.-Long break lines.-Section lines.-Dimension lines

Which letters of the alphabet have no straight lines?

Well, darling, the letters of the alphabet that have no straight lines are O, C, S, U, V, W, Y, and Z. So, if you're looking for some curvy, sassy letters, those are the ones you're after. Hope that clears things up for you!

What type of lines does a triangle have?

Straight lines.

Lines BE and AC are?

letters of the alphabet

What do you draw straight lines with?

you draw straight lines with a ruler