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Q: Why would statistics be important in the field of entertainment?
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a singer is important because without singers there would be no entertainment there would also be no music industry

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it is because the moment when you would like to relax from stress, entertainment is a recreational activities that makes you feel your worthed that is important to human well being..

Is a missed field goal still considered a field goal statistically?

No, it would be considered a field goal attempt. In statistics, you will see a column heading of FGA for the number of Field Goal Attempts and a column heading of FG for the number of successful Field Goals.

What is the Important of statistics in mathematics?

what I would like to know is the importance of statistics in mathematics in relation to aspects like the mode,median & the mean and how one can explain this in a 2000 word essay

How important is statistics in medicine?

Incredibly important ! All clinical practice is based on statistics. Would you implement an intervention (ie a new drug) if you had no proof that it worked ! In medical practice we gain knowledge and make decisions based on knowledge gained though research.

Why do you need entertainment?

because when you are bored you have to do something to do and in such cases we approach T.V ,computer ,movie ,etc ,these modes of entertainment reduces the tension of ourselves and give relief to our mind .it also said that if their were no mode of entertainment we would die at the age of 45-50 .so entertainment is important and which is why we need it.

What type of math did Alexander Fleming use?

At a guess exponentials, series and statistics would have been important in studying micro-organisms.

What is differential statistics?

Differential statistics are statistics that use calculus. Normally statistics would use algebra but differential statistics uses calculus instead of algebra.

In what branch of mathematics would one use a normal distribution table?

A distribution table would be primarily used in the field of statistics and probability. Collecting and interpreting data is much easier when compiled in this format.

Why is tv in the 1950s and the transformation of American entertainment important?

Television in the 1950's and the transformation of American entertainment is important because if we didn't have any changed we couldn't be able to enjoy ourselves they way we do now ant also we would of never be able to look at the world differently

What services would one use to find statistics about Canada?

If one is looking to find statistics about Canada there are many sites offering this information. The best resource for statistics about Canada would be on the Statistics Canada website.

What was entertainment Like in 1665?

Entertainment was Inquisition. They would get out of there, convert to christianity, or be put to death. Villagers would watch someone being murdered at the marketplace as entertainment.