The possible 4 digit codes using the numbers 0-9 are every number between 0 and 9999. For numbers that have less than 4 digits, just precede the number with 0's.
10,000 possibilities
We don't generally consider the negative factors of positive numbers, but they are exactly the same digits as the positive factors, just with minus signs.
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Bakugan Dimensions
You need at least two numbers to find a GCF.
their both based on units of measure
Counting from 000 to 999 would give a possible 1000 combinations.
There are 10000 such codes. Each of the numbers 0-9 can be in the first position. With each such first digit, each of the numbers 0-9 can be in the second position. With each such pair of the first two digits, each of the numbers 0-9 can be in the third position. etc.
Possible solutions - using your rules are:- 11,13,17,31,33,37,71,73 &77
900 ,999 ,909
Possible 5 digit combinations using 5 digits only 1 time is 5! or 5*4*3*2*1 or 120. Using 5 digits where numbers can be used 5 times is 55 or 3125.
If repetition of digits isn't allowed, then no13-digit sequencescan be formed from only 5 digits.
There are 2 possible digits for the first digit (3 or 4), leaving 3 possible digits for the second digit (5 and 6 and whichever was not chosen for the first), leaving 2 possible digits for the third. Thus there are 2 × 3 × 2 = 12 possible 3 digit numbers.
2 * 2 * 2 * 2 It's not possible to make 16 without using the same numbers twice or without using whole numbers.
There are 4 possible numbers if the digits are not repeated; 18 if they are. Those are 3-digit numbers, assuming that zero would not be a leading digit. If zero is allowed for a leading digit, then you can have 6 for the non repeated, and 27 if repetition.