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AAS: If Two angles and a side opposite to one of these sides is congruent to the

corresponding angles and corresponding side, then the triangles are congruent.

How Do I know? Taking Geometry right now. :)

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11y ago

The answer will depend on the two triangles in question. Since that information is not provided it is not possible to give a sensible answer.

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7y ago

It is Euclid's fifth or parallel postulate.

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The answer depends on what you mean by equal. Equal in area? Congruent?

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Q: Which theorem is used to prove that aas triangle congruence postulate theorem?
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It is a theorem, not a postulate, since it is possible to prove it. If two angles and a side of one triangle are congruent to the corresponding angles and side of another triangle then the two triangles are congruent.

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Well, this will depend on the length of the sides of the triangle for what postulate or theorem you will be using.

Which theorem is used to prove the AAS triangle congruence postulate theorem?

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